My name is Schmitty. I’m a Boston Terrier and CDO at my mom’s business. CDO is “Chief Doggie Officer” and as you can see my job is quiet grueling.
My work functions are to look cute, bark at the wind, chase my girls, make sure my mom takes lots of breaks to pet me.
A usual work day schedule goes something like this:
6 am wake everyone up, eat breakfast and go outside
7 am chase the girls around the house, chew on shoes
8 am take the girls to school
8:30 – 9:00 am run around the house
9:00 am look cute for my mom
9:15 – 11:15 nap
11:15 wake up and go outside
11:30 get pets from mom
12:00 pm eat lunch
12:30 – 1:30 nap
1:30 go outside and stretch
1:50 come inside and chew on my bone
2:15 nap
2:30 pick up the girls.
I love what I do, but boy does it wear me out! This is my vacation home. This is a really nice doghouse, don’t you think? I really like the front deck.

Have a dog? A dog house (you can make one up)? Angel would like to list your doghouse, send a picture of your dog and a doghouse, along with the square footage, how many bathrooms the doghouse has and we’ll post it on this site. Tell us what’s special about your dog and what breed it is. Angel would appreciate that. See the About Us page for details.