Nevada County is a beautiful place with cultural variety and room for free thinkers, which has made it a haven for artists, entertainers and musicians since it was first settled. Historically, when miners came to town to spend their gold, there was plenty of entertainment to be found. This is still true today.
The Performing Arts Nevada County Art’s Council
Nevada County Camera Club Our Local Camera Club
Gold Country Piano Institute A non-profit organization instructing all levels of students
Music in the Mountains Bringing a music fest for each of the four seasons
The Center for the Arts Performing arts center.
Nevada County Teaching Artists Directory A comprehensive resource for educators, parents and students.
The Foothill Theatre Company Presenting some wonderful plays in the Gold Country
Off Broad Street A great little theater with wonderful plays. A must go to place.
Twin Cities Concert Association Presenting concerts in an intimate setting.
Nevada County Composers A group of composers with no explanation on their website as to what they compose.
Nevada County Regulators A great band playing rock and roll.
Sierra Cinemas, Inc. Our local theaters website.
Movies in Grass Valley Yahoo search movies in the Grass Valley and Colfax areas.