Happy New Year to all.
For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
DRE# 00669941
Happy New Year to all.
For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
DRE# 00669941
I personally do not like air blowers to dry my hands. First of all, my hands seem to still be wet after using an air dryer unless I leave them there for what seems like forever and secondly, I have to grab the door handle to get out of the bathroom. That just feels icky. I always felt that the door handle can contain germs. This study by the Mao Clinic confirms my beliefs.
In June, the Mayo Clinic published a comprehensive study of every known hand-washing study done since 1970. The authors concluded that drying skin is essential to staving off bacteria, and that paper towels are superior to driers: They’re more efficient, they don’t spatter germs, they won’t dry out hands and most people prefer them. (A co-author of the study has served as a consultant for Kimberly Clark Australia, a maker of paper towels.) Dr. Thompson’s study was one of the dozen samples reviewed, and he concurs with the Even though studies have shown that a thorough washing with soap will remove nearly all traces of bacteria, some germaphobes take extra precautionary measures, like using a paper towel to touch the bathroom door or faucet.
Dr. Thompson doesn’t think that is such a bad idea. “Remember that some people don’t wash their hands at all. So when you turn off the faucet, you contaminate your hands again; then you grab the door handle and you’re picking up whatever germs were left behind.”
Source: Read the full article at The Wall Street Journal
For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
DRE# 00669941
Another in a series of top videos for 2012. Views: 142,100,000
Happy Holidays.
For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
Happy Holidays to all.
Thinking of selling or buying a home or land?
Email or call today:
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
These were the top trending videos on YouTube (Globe) for 2012. YouTube invited some of the stars to do a mash up of this again this year to high light the top of the top . Look for some surprises as you watch this video. Hint, mouse over the video as you watch it. By the way, this video has been viewed over 48,655.000 times and still counting!
Happy Holidays
For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
It seems after paying 105 Euros (about $138 million) for the construction of Steve Jobs Yacht that there is a bill left of about 3 million Euros (about $3.9 million). Therefore according to various sources,
Philippe Starck on board as co-designer — is a homage to everything sleek and sophisticated on Steve’s ship the Venus. He claims he is owed the money.
And yet, as the Associated Press reports, Starck seems not to have been paid the agreed amount for his refined efforts. Starck has reportedly hired a debt collection agency and has prevented Venus from leaving Amsterdam’s port.
“These guys [Jobs and Starck] trusted each other, so there wasn’t a very detailed contract,” Roelant Klaassen, a lawyer for Ubik, told Reuters.
The Venus is a floating ode to both Jobs and Starck’s minimalist aesthetic. Made entirely out of aluminum, with 40-foot-long floor-to-ceiling windows lining the passenger compartment and seven 27-inch iMacs making up the command center.
For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
Here’s some more Christmas scenes off of Banner Quaker Hill Road near Nevada City. Do you have pictures of your Christmas lights that you would like published? Please send them to me and I’ll gladly post them.
Happy Holidays to all.
For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
DRE# 00669941
Here’s the facts folks. Well, if you are reading this, you are still alive. I wish I had watched this video before I spent a fortune on an escape pod to leave Mother Earth.
And here’s the forecast for today:
I have an escape pod for sale cheap. Happy Holidays, glad you are still here!
For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
DRE# 00669941
This house so nicely decorated is located in Cascade Shores on Banner Quaker Hill Road. It’s a little hard to take good pictures because of the many pine trees in the way. Shots were taken with Samsung WB850F camera with F2.8 at 1/10 second. Camera has GPS tagging which is great when you are traveling since you can always go back to see where you took the picture.
Merry Christmas to all.
For all your real estate neeeds
Call or email:
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
DRE# 00669941
Source: Nevada Irrigation District
Water supplies to the greater Grass Valley-Nevada City area are safer and more reliable as a result of NID’s Banner Cascade Pipeline Project which is being phased into operation this fall and winter. Pipeline construction, roadway overlays and repaving are finished, tree planting and hydroseeding are being completed this fall, and a startup testing program of the large water system is under way.
Major Upgrade
In planning for 10 years and under construction for the past two years, the $41 million upgrade is the largest project completed by NID since the Yuba-Bear Hydroelectric Project was built in 1963-66. The project includes 6.4 miles of large diameter pipeline to carry water across Banner Mountain to NID’s Elizabeth L. George and Loma Rica water treatment plants. It will also make more irrigation water available to the canal water systems of western Nevada County.The overall project includes 5.5 miles of new treated water pipeline and new fire hydrants, making new supplies of safe drinking water available to many Banner Mountain neighborhoods.
An interesting feature near the downstream end of the water project is the plumbing for a future small hydroelectric power station near NID’s Loma Rica Reservoir. The Banner Cascade Pipeline Project is the second phase of a major upgrade to a key water system serving western Nevada County. NID improved the Upper Cascade Canal (east of Red Dog Road) in an $18 million project completed in 2000-2002.
For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091