All posts by jd

Real estate broker, civil engineer and general contractor.

Get a 2013 Firewise Calendar for Completing a FREE Defensible Space Advisory Visit

The 2013 Firewise Calendar features native plants.

The Fire Safe Council of Nevada County in cooperation with the Sierra Nevada Conservancy and National Firewise Communities are offering residents in Nevada County free defensible space advisory visits to educate citizens about Defensible Space.

California Public Resources Code 4291 requires every landowner to “maintain around and adjacent to the building or structure a firebreak made by removing and clearing away, for a distance of not less than 100’ on each side of the building or structure or to the property line, whichever is nearer, all flammable vegetation or other combustible growth”.

In addition, this code allows insurance companies to require landowners to maintain the firebreaks.

We live in a wildland urban interface area which has the potential for catastrophic wildfire.

Receive custom advice about:

  • Building materials.
  • Fire facts.
  • How to manage the vegetation on your property.
  • Plant species considered “high fire risk.”
  • Proper clearance from structures.
  • Proper signage for your property.
  • Answers to any questions you might have about the defensible space around your structures.
  • And a variety of other helpful information.

In addition, you will be provided with referrals for contractors and other resources that could help you complete your fuel reduction project.

Advisors will inform citizens about:

  • The burn permit process.
  • The California Forest Improvement Program (CFIP).
  • The FSCNC Chipping Program.
  • The FSCNC Special Needs Assistance Program.

Learn how to make your home and property more fire safe and get a 2013 Firewise calendar!!


For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091


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New Short Sale Program Offers Relief For Underwater Homeowners

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One of the federal government’s most-important financial relief efforts for underwater homeowners started operating Nov. 1.

Making sense of the story

  • Traditionally short sales, where the lender agrees to accept less than the full amount owed and the house is sold to a new purchaser at a discounted price, are associated with extended periods of delinquency by the original owner.  The new Fannie-Freddie program breaks with tradition by allowing short sales for owners who are current on their payments but are encountering a hardship that could force them into default.
  • Eligible hardships under the new program run the gamut: Job loss or reduction in income; divorce or separation; death of a borrower or another wage earner who helps pay the mortgage; serious illness or disability; employment transfer of 50 miles or greater; natural or man-made disaster; a sudden increase in housing expenses beyond the borrower’s control; a business failure; and “other,” meaning a serious financial issue that isn’t one of the above.
  • Homeowners who participate in this new program should be aware that although officials at the Federal Housing Finance Agency – the agency that oversees the program – are working on possible solutions with the credit industry at the moment, it appears that borrowers who use the new program may be hit with significant penalties on their FICO credit scores – 150 points or more.
  • Other factors to consider are promissory notes and other “contributions.”  In the majority of states where lenders can pursue deficiencies, Fannie and Freddie expect borrowers who have assets to either make upfront cash contributions covering some of the loan balance owed or sign a promissory note.  This would be in exchange for an official waiver of the debt for credit reporting purposes, potentially producing a more favorable credit score for the sellers.
  • Finally, participants should be aware of second-lien hurdles.  The program sets a $6,000 limit on what second lien holders – banks that have extended equity lines of credit or second mortgages on underwater properties – can collect out of the new short sales.  Some banks, however, don’t consider this a sufficient amount and may threaten to thwart sales if they cannot somehow extract more.

Read the full story

For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091

DRE# 00669941

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Nevada County Fairgrounds Team up With HOPE in Nevada County For Christmas Fair

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Donate a can of food on Sunday, November 25, and receive $1 off admission


The Nevada County Fairgrounds and HOPE (Helping Other People Eat) in Nevada County are teaming up to help feed those in need in Nevada County.

Bring a can of food (or two or three) to the Country Christmas Faire on Sunday, November 25, and the Fairgrounds will give you a coupon for $1 off general admission to the Christmas Faire on that day (one coupon per person). Volunteers from HOPE will collect the cans at the food collection bins at the Fairgrounds from 10 am – 4 pm at Gates 1, 3 and 5, which is also where you’ll receive your coupon.

With the help of HOPE, all food collected at the Fairgrounds on Sunday will be used to help feed those in need in Nevada County.  HOPE in Nevada County is a program established through the Grass Valley Elks. Through this program, the Grass Valley Elks partner with the Food Bank of Nevada County to feed those in need, as well as working with the organization on a school snack program. HOPE distributes food once a month on the third Saturday of each month to anyone in the county in need of food and emergency food.

The Country Christmas Faire is happening Thanksgiving weekend, November 23 – 25, at the Nevada County Fairgrounds. Hours are 10 am – 5 pm on Friday and Saturday, and 10 am – 4 pm on Sunday. Cost is $4, and free to children under 12.  Parking is $5; however, Faire-goers will receive one free admission for each paid parking pass.

Visit for information or call (530) 273-6217.

For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
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Nevada County Gingerbread House Competition Now On


Ginger Bread House  -  Best of show 2011
Ginger Bread House – Best of show 2011

Now is the time for holiday bakers to think about the creation of a magical Gingerbread House to enter into the 10th annual Gingerbread House Competition at the Country Christmas Faire, held November 23 – 25 at the Nevada County Fairgrounds.

Houses, bungalows, cottages, and castles fashioned from spicy gingerbread will be displayed for holiday shoppers to enjoy at the Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley during the Thanksgiving weekend festivities.

Competitors may enter any of the many categories, including children, teens, adults, special needs, families, and groups.  There’s even a category for children under 8 years of age who want to enter a house made by a kit. New this year, there are categories for traditional and non-traditional entries.

Ribbons are given to all winners, and, additionally, the Best of Show winner will receive $100. A special gift basket from Tess’ Kitchen Store will be also awarded to the Best of Show winner and the People’s Choice Award.

Entry forms must be received at the Fairgrounds between now and Friday, November 16 by 4 pm. The actual gingerbread house entry must be delivered to the Fairgrounds on Tuesday, November 20 between the hours of 11 am – 6 pm.  The cost is $2 to enter, and all Gingerbread House exhibitors will receive two free passes to the Country Christmas Faire.

Entry forms and a complete list of rules can be picked up at the Fairgrounds office on McCourtney Road, or downloaded from the Fair’s website at

The 28th annual Country Christmas Faire begins Friday, November 23, and runs through Sunday, November 25.  The hours are 10 am – 5 pm on Friday and Saturday; and 10 am – 4 pm on Sunday. Admission is $4 for adults, and children 12 and under are free. Parking is $5; however, Faire-goers will receive one free admission for each paid parking pass.

Talented artisans fill the Fairgrounds exhibit buildings with quality hand-made crafts and unique gifts, so you can get all your holiday shopping done in one location. Visitors to the Faire will enjoy strolling live entertainment, festival foods, wagon rides, and a community bon-fire. Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus will be on hand to greet children and a photographer will be available to capture the special moment with Santa.

Free babysitting will be offered so parents can drop off their children while they enjoy holiday shopping, and errand elves will be available to assist shoppers throughout the event.

The Nevada County Fairgrounds is located at 11228 McCourtney Road in Grass Valley. For more information, visit or call (530) 273-6217.

For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091


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Horse Paints Self-Portrait

His paintings mimic those of famous abstract and impressionist painters. They appear to be heavily influenced by Jackson Pollock or Vincent Van Gogh. But the artist himself more closely resembles Smart Jones or Secretariat.

Justin is a nine-year old 1500-pound Friesian horse that began painting two years ago.

His owner, Adonna Combs, noticed that Justin would often steal her riding whip and begin to draw in the sand. She soon added a brush to the end of the whip and they were off on art experiment that has now landed Justin in regional galleries and drawn international attention.

Source WRD/com


For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091

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Nevada County Fair Artwork Contest

Sandy Gold of Grass Valley was the winner in 2012 of the Art Work Contest
Sandy Gold of Grass Valley was the winner in 2012 of the Art Work Contest


The Nevada County Fairgrounds is sponsoring a contest to find the best artwork to illustrate the 2013 Nevada County Fair circus theme – “Under the Big Top.”  If you’re a talented artist, and you’d like $250, this is the contest to enter!

The contest, which is open to Nevada County residents only, takes place now through Friday, December 7.  If you submit the winning artwork, you will win $250 and a 2013 Nevada County Fair package that includes admission tickets, parking and carnival coupons. Additionally, the winning artwork will be used on various Fair promotional pieces, print ads, buttons, t-shirts, banners, posters, and flyers.

Interested artists may use any medium and can submit up to three entries, which must be on 8-1/2 by 11-inch paper. Entries can be delivered to the Fairgrounds Office at 11228 McCourtney Road or mailed to the Fair Office at PO Box 2687, Grass Valley, CA  95945. A complete set of rules can be found on the Fair’s website at, or by calling the Fair Office at (530) 273-6217.

The 2013 Nevada County Fair is August 7 – 13, 2013


For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091



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National Median Home Prices Up 9.5% From Year Ago Levels

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By Lawrence Yun

The national median home price, at $187,400, is up 9.5 percent from year-ago levels, and the market is on pace to see 4.82 million home sales this year, a 9.3 percent improvement over last year. Almost two-thirds of sales are completed within three months, a big jump from a year earlier. But practitioner confidence, a good indicator of how the market will look down the road, has barely budged for months. All trend lines are from August 2011 to August 2012.

Existing-home sales is a seasonally adjusted annual rate, which is the actual rate of sales for the month, multiplied by 12 and adjusted for seasonal sales differences.  Pending home sales is an index that measures ­housing contract activity. An index of 100 is equal to the level of activity during 2001, the benchmark year. Inventory measures the number of existing homes on the market at the end of the month.  Buyer and seller traffic, current conditions, six-month expectations, and time on market derive from a monthly REALTOR® Confidence Index. Results are based on 3,421 responses to 6,000 surveys sent to large and small real estate offices. The survey asks practitioners to indicate whether conditions are strong (100 points), moderate (50), or weak (0). Some data may be revised from previous issues.


For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091


Steve Jobs Yacht “Venus” Unveiled in Aalsmeer, Netherland


Steve Jobs’ yacht was unveiled in a Dutch shipyard on Sunday, where the unusual boat designed by Jobs and famed minimalist designer Philippe Starckwas christened “Venus,” after the Roman goddess of love, beauty, sex, fertility, prosperity and victory.

According to Dutch website OneMoreThing, the finished ship was launched at shipbuilder Koninklijke De Vries in Aalsmeer, The Netherlands. Jobs’ widow Laurene and three of their children, Reed, Erin and Eve, were at the ceremony.

Source:  CNN Tech News
For all your real estate needs

Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091


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FireSafe Council of Nevada County Offers Free Defensible Space Training Session

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Learn how to comply with defensible space laws in California and ensure properties will be insurable in the wild land Urban Interface (most of Nevada County.)

Friday, November 15 & 16, 2012 10am-3:00pm

What is the law regarding defensible space?

California Public Resources Code 4291 requires every landowner to “maintain around and adjacent to the building or structure a firebreak made by removing and clearing away, for a distance of not less than 100’ on each side of the building or structure or to the property line, whichever is nearer, all flammable vegetation or other combustible growth”.  In addition, this code allows insurance companies to require landowners to maintain the firebreaks.

What may landowners do to protect their homes from wildfire?

  • Building Materials
  • How To Manage The Vegetation On Your Property
  • Plant Species Considered “High Fire Risk”
  • Firewise Landscaping Techniques
  • Proper Clearance From Structures
  • Proper Signage For Your Property

Thursday & Friday, November 15 & 16, 2012 10am-3:00pm

How does Defensible Space affect the ability to obtain Homeowner’s Insurance?

Most of Nevada County is in a wild land urban interface area which has the potential for catastrophic wildfire.  Learn more about:

  • Defensible Space & Your Homeowner’s Insurance Policy
  • Hazard Trees
  • Access
  • Fire Department Response and Hydrants

Valuable Information for Assistance!

  • Local Contractors
  • Fire Safe Chipping Program
  • Assistance for Low Income Seniors/Disabled
  • Firewise Communities USA®


Space is limited. Register today!


(530) 272-1122


For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091



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End is Near for Certain Tax Exemptions

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Currently, any debt forgiven by a lender in a short sale, loan modification, or foreclosure is exempt from federal taxation.  However, that exemption is scheduled to expire Jan. 1, 2013.

Making sense of the story

  • Borrowers will have to count mortgage relief from lenders as income on their federal tax returns, if the exemption is allowed to expire.  That means, for example, a borrower would have to pay taxes on a $100,000 reduction in principal owed on a loan, or a $20,000 write-off in the amount owed after a short sale.
  • An extension of the tax exemption – established under the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007 – is a strong possibility.  But given that Congress will have to grapple with serious fiscal issues after the November elections, there is no guarantee the exemption will emerge from those negotiations intact.
  • The Debt Relief Act exemption applies only to canceled mortgage debt used to buy, build, or improve a primary residence, not a second home.  The maximum exemption is $2 million.
  • Reinstating the tax would undercut the the effect of the National Mortgage Settlement reached earlier this year in the federal government’s investigation into banks’ mishandling of foreclosure documents.
  • Under the terms of the settlement, five of the biggest mortgage lenders must put some $17 billion toward debt relief that enables borrowers to stay in their homes. Smaller portions are reserved for short sales and refinancing.

Read the full story


For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091


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