All posts by jd

Real estate broker, civil engineer and general contractor.

Rat Steals Milk From Cat


The persistent pest pilfers the dairy dish from its surprising docile feline friend, who eventually licks its whiskers and wanders away, defeated. Cat defenders on YouTube are sufficiently outraged (“That rat is pushing his f***ing luck”), while rodent apologists show equally vocal support: “Domestic rats like this one are not disgusting, they’re very clean animals, highly intelligent and make great pets.” Surprisingly, we found ourselves cheering for the rat’s victory in this viral tug of war — a more fortuitous fate than that of unlucky relatives who end up as snake food.g



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Nevada County History, California

This map shows the incorporated and unincorpor...
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The earliest settlement in Nevada County was made in the summer of 1848 at a place called Rose’s Corral which was located between the Anthony House and Bridgeport. Early in the spring of 1849 a group of mountaineers from Oregon known as the Greenwood Company mined for gold at Illinois Bar on the South Yuba River. They were followed by emigrants from Indiana. In the fall of 1849, the Greenwood Company made winter camp at Jefferson, and the Indiana group moved further upstream to Washington. It was that same autumn that Captain John Pennington’s party struck rich diggings on Deer Creek and built the first cabin on Gold Run, the site that was to become Nevada City. (Source Ed Tyson)

Originally a mining camp founded along Deer Creek in 1849, Nevada City rapidly became the largest and wealthiest mining town in California. At one point, Nevada City was the third largest city in California with a population of 10,000. Nevada City’s good fortune allowed miners and settlers to enjoy plush gambling establishments, hotels, saloons, and stores. However, like many big cities that sprang up quickly during the rush for instant wealth, early Nevada City shared a darker side of claim jumping, murder, brothels and opium dens.

Continue reading Nevada County History, California

Volunteer To Remove Scotch Broom In March 2012

Volunteer Now and help control scotch broom and join the Scotch Broom Challenge in Nevada County.

The Scotch Broom Challenge was created in 2007 to address the spread of this highly flammable and invasive plant in our community. The Scotch Broom Challenge started with just a few sites in Nevada County. In the spring of 2011 over 250 volunteers took the Scotch Broom Challenge and pulled broom at 17 sites throughout Nevada County and Placer County.

This year local groups and agencies are once again teaming up to pull Scotch broom at the sites listed below and we are looking for volunteers from the community who want to come out and join us. The Scotch Broom Challenge pulls are generally from 9 am to 12 pm, unless otherwise stated. No experience is necessary and we provide the equipment and supplies.


Saturday, March 3, 2012 & March 4, 2012

Champion Mine Road

Greater Champion Mine Neighborhood Association

Work continues along Champion Mine Road sponsored by the Greater Champion Mine Neighborhood Association. Nevada Irrigation District is now collaborating on removal of broom in the ditch. The work parties are both days. Project site coordinator is Frances Jorgensen. Please register with the Fire Safe Council of Nevada County to volunteer on this site or any other site.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Burton House

Bear Yuba Land Trust

Located on Lake Vera Purdon Rd in Nevada City, this preserve is owned by the Bear Yuba Land Trust. The approx 40 acre site is home to a community garden, Food Love Project, a Maidu educational center complete with bark huts and an outdoor education program led by Rick Berry and his Fox Trotters. Project coordinator Allison Dawson. Please register with the Fire Safe Council of Nevada County to volunteer on this site or any other site.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tyler Foote Road, North San Juan

North San Juan Fire protection District

Help make one of the primary evacuation routes for the North San Juan Ridge area safe, along Tyler Foote Road, starting near the Fire Station that would be used as a key staging area during a fire. A great chance to learn how to remove Scotch broom effectively. Project site coordinators are Jo Ann and Rusty Kauffman. Please register with the Fire Safe Council of Nevada County to volunteer on this site or any other site.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hell’s Half Acre

Red Bud Chapter CNPS

Work continues to remove broom from Hell’s Half Acre which is a unique biological site and is currently used by the Red Bud Chapter of the California Native Plant Society for education and restoration of native plant species. This site is located immediately adjacent to Twin Cities Church off the Rough & Ready Highway just outside Grass Valley. Volunteers are meeting on the corner of Adam Ave and Rough & Ready Hwy. This project site is sponsored by the Red Bud Chapter of CNPS. Project site coordinators is Bill Wilson. Please register with the Fire Safe Council of Nevada County to volunteer on this site or any other site a week in advance.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

North Star Mine House

Bear Yuba Land Trust

Located on Auburn Road just beyond the Fairgrounds, the North Star House in owned by the Bear Yuba Land Trust and hosts a variety of events including a weekly summer Grower’s Market and the Stars at North Star Concert. Project coordinator Allison Dawson. Please register with the Fire Safe Council of Nevada County to volunteer on this site or any other site.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

he Scotch Broom Challenge was created in 2007 to address the spread of this highly flammable and invasive plant in our community. The Scotch Broom Challenge started with just a few sites in Nevada County. In the spring of 2011 over 250 volunteers took the Scotch Broom Challenge and pulled broom at 17 sites throughout Nevada County and Placer County.

This year local groups and agencies are once again teaming up to pull Scotch broom at the sites listed below and we are looking for volunteers from the community who want to come out and join us. The Scotch Broom Challenge pulls are generally from 9 am to 12 pm, unless otherwise stated. No experience is necessary and we provide the equipment and supplies.

Bring your family and friends, pick a site and participate in one of Nevada County’s most fun and satisfying challenges.


Oak Tree Park, North San Juan

Oak Tree Park District

New work was begun last year at the site of the Oak Tree community park. Work will continue at this site in order to control the existing broom and reclaim land lost to dense infestations. This site is sponsored by the Oak Tree Park District. The project site coordinator Grant Wayman. Please register with the Fire Safe Council of Nevada County to volunteer on this site or any other site.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wolf Creek at Wolf Creek Road

Wolf Creek Community Alliance

This is the Fourth year for this site and we’ve nearly accomplished our goal. We will be addressing re-sprouting from prior pulling efforts. Consideration for re-vegetation of this site is being evaluated. This site is sponsored by the Wolf Creek Community Alliance. Project site coordinator is BJ Schmitt. Please register with the Fire Safe Council of Nevada County to volunteer on this site or any other site.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Bear Yuba Land Trust

Woodpecker Wildlife Preserve is located on Banner Mountain just off Gracie Road. It is a 28 acre preserve owned by the Bear Yuba Land Trust. There are public trails on the preserve that are actively used by the community. This preserve overlooks Nevada City and is a wonderful resource for bird watchers, mountain bikers and hiking enthusiasts. The project site coordinator Allison Dawson. Please register with the Fire Safe Council of Nevada County to volunteer on this site or any other site.

For more information or to volunteer please call 530-272-1122 or send an email to


For all your real estate needs:
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John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
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$1 Billion To Be Paid By Bank Of America For Mortgage Fraud

Photo of Bank of America ATM Machine by Brian ...
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Largest False Claims Act Settlement Relating to Mortgage Fraud 

As part of the global resolution between the United States of America and the five largest mortgage servicing banks in the country, which will bring much needed relief to financially distressed homeowners nationwide, Loretta E. Lynch, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, today announced that the government will also resolve its claims against the Bank of America, Countrywide Financial Corporation and certain Countrywide subsidiaries and affiliates (Countrywide) for underwriting and origination mortgage fraud.

As part of the global settlement, Bank of America will pay $1 billion to resolve the wrongdoing uncovered during the office’s investigation. The settlement will entail an immediate payment of $500 million to provide a recovery for the harm done to the FHA by Countrywide’s conduct. Payment of the second $500 million will be deferred to fund a loan modification program for Countrywide borrowers across the nation with underwater mortgages. Under the terms of the program, Bank of America will solicit all potentially eligible borrowers and provide a loan modification to anyone with an eligible mortgage who accepts the offer. If, after the expiration of three years, the bank has not met its obligation to apply the full $500 million to provide such relief, any remainder will be paid directly to the United States.

“We announce today the largest ever False Claims Act settlement relating to mortgage fraud. Through their underwriting and origination of tens of thousands of government-insured loans to unqualified borrowers, Countrywide Financial subsidiaries systematically abused the Federal Housing Administration and became some of the main players in this country’s financial crisis. We are committed to protecting the FHA’s ability to provide assistance to qualified low-income and first-time home-buyers, and this settlement goes a long way toward that end. It also puts lenders on notice that they will face serious financial consequences for violating their obligations under the FHA’s programs,” stated United States Attorney Lynch.

“This agreement is demonstrative, and should serve as a model, of what results can be achieved when agencies of the United States Government join forces in a united effort to combat fraud in the FHA insured mortgage program,” said Inspector General Montoya. “OIG staff served IG subpoenas, conducted multiple interviews, reviewed loan files, and worked closely with the U.S. Attorney’s office in developing this case.” He further added, “I am appreciative of the tenacity with which the Assistant United States Attorneys approached this matter, the expertise and effort of my OIG auditors, investigators and legal team, and the assistance of the HUD Office of General Counsel and its Office of Program Enforcement and Philadelphia Home Ownership Center throughout this endeavor.”

Source: The United States Attorney General

For more information about the task force visit:



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The Nigerian Letter or “419” Scam

I wrote a blog about the Nigerian scam sometime ago.  I’m repeating this warning from the FBI since I know someone who fell for this scheme.  The person would not tell me how much he lost, and he was somewhat sheepish about it.

So anyhow, here goes, hopefully it will prevent someone from going off the deep end and losing a lot of money to these dirt bags.

Nigerian letter frauds combine the threat of impersonation fraud with a variation of an advance fee scheme in which a letter mailed from Nigeria offers the recipient the “opportunity” to share in a percentage of millions of dollars that the author—a self-proclaimed government official—is trying to transfer illegally out of Nigeria. The recipient is encouraged to send information to the author, such as blank letterhead stationery, bank name and account numbers, and other identifying information using a fax number provided in the letter. Some of these letters have also been received via e-mail through the Internet. The scheme relies on convincing a willing victim, who has demonstrated a “propensity for larceny” by responding to the invitation, to send money to the author of the letter in Nigeria in several installments of increasing amounts for a variety of reasons.

Payment of taxes, bribes to government officials, and legal fees are often described in great detail with the promise that all expenses will be reimbursed as soon as the funds are spirited out of Nigeria. In actuality, the millions of dollars do not exist, and the victim eventually ends up with nothing but loss. Once the victim stops sending money, the perpetrators have been known to use the personal information and checks that they received to impersonate the victim, draining bank accounts and credit card balances. While such an invitation impresses most law-abiding citizens as a laughable hoax, millions of dollars in losses are caused by these schemes annually. Some victims have been lured to Nigeria, where they have been imprisoned against their will along with losing large sums of money. The Nigerian government is not sympathetic to victims of these schemes, since the victim actually conspires to remove funds from Nigeria in a manner that is contrary to Nigerian law. The schemes themselves violate section 419 of the Nigerian criminal code, hence the label “419 fraud.”

Tips for Avoiding Nigerian Letter or “419” Fraud:

  • If you receive a letter from Nigeria asking you to send personal or banking information, do not reply in any manner. Send the letter to the U.S. Secret Service, your local FBI office, or the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. You can also register a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission Complaint Assistant. 
  • If you know someone who is corresponding in one of these schemes, encourage that person to contact the FBI or the U.S. Secret Service as soon as possible.
  • Be skeptical of individuals representing themselves as Nigerian or foreign government officials asking for your help in placing large sums of money in overseas bank accounts.
  • Do not believe the promise of large sums of money for your cooperation.
  • Guard your account information carefully.

Source The FBI

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Nevada County Weather – Dry Start For 2011 – 2012

Nevada Irrigation District Water Source Map
Nevada Irrigation District Water Source Map

I believe we are all wondering what’s happened to the rain and snow this year.  It’s certainly the driest season I can remember so far.  The Nevada Irrigation District’s newsletter has some interesting facts as to what’s happening to our weather this winter season.

Here’s what they have to say:

Precipitation Season

The 2011/12 rainfall season is off to a very slow start. By Dec. 31, precipitation at NID’s Bowman Reservoir (elev. 5600 ft.) had reached only 12.55 inches, or 50 percent of average for the date (seasonal precipitation is measured July 1-June 30).

From Very Wet to Very Dry

A year ago at this time, rain and snow poured down on the area; by late December 2010, precipitation at Bowman had reached 60.3 inches. By the time the 2010/11 rainfall season ended June 30 it had become the fifth wettest year on record, producing 124.15 inches of precipitation, or 179 percent of average.

This December produced just 0.32 inches of precipitation, the third driest December in 126 years of record-keeping at Bowman. Even with the dry conditions, NID water storage remains strong. As of Dec. 31, district storage was measured at 177,100 acre-feet of water, which is 114 percent of average for this time of year.

Meanwhile, the National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center’s Dec. 15 outlook called for near-normal precipitation and below-normal temperatures in our region through the first quarter of 2012.

Source: Nevada Irrigation District

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Local Nevada City Song Artist Makes Internet History With 365 Songs In 365 Days



Chris Crockett began creating songs at age 13 and has a compilation of hundreds of songs written throughout his life. Chris is the 3rd generation of the Crockett Family Kentucky Mountaineers, musicians who were instrumental in bringing country music to California.

Chris was born in Los Angeles, California. In the early 1960’s Chris coaxed his brothers Joel and Jeremy Crockett to form The Crockett Brothers trio. During the Crockett Brothers era Chris and the boys recorded two classic surfing/hot rod songs, “Mother Mother May I Go Surfing” and “Fastest Car In Town”. Both songs are highly prized by collectors on 45 rpm, and have recently been re-released on CD by Del-Fi/Donna Records , the label which originally recorded these two classics.

Chris is a lifetime member of the National Academy of Recording Artists and Sciences (NARAS), the organization that votes for the Grammys, and a member of the Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI). He has had several published songs and has written for major artists, motion pictures, independent artists and commercials. In 1975, Chris became a staff writer for music publisher Snuff Garrett (Garrett Music Enterprises, Inc.) During that time, he wrote songs recorded and performed by artists including Brenda Lee, Larry Mahan, Donnie Brooks, Susie Allenson and several others.

In 2001, Chris made internet history with his “365 songs in 365 days” project, in which he uploaded a new song he had written every day from January 1 through December 31, 2001, completing a total of 365 original compositions and releasing 26 CDs each with 14 original songs. The 365/365 CDs are out of print, but you can download Chris’ newest album “Stranger In This Land” from ITunes, Rhapsody, Amazon, CDBaby as well as most other music sites.

The first single from the album is “Land Of Nod”, and can be viewed on the following link:

Also, Chris’ comedy motorcycle song “You’re the One Who Made Me Sell My Bike” has been in the top 3 of YouTube’s top 10 Motorcycle Songs for 6 months, and can be seen at this link:

Since 1979, Chris has been performing in Nevada City and Grass Valley at venues including The National Hotel (7 years), Main Street Bar and Grill, Holbrooke Hotel, Friar Tucks, The Owl Tavern, and venues from the past such as The Coach House (with “Rock of Ages”), Jolly Roger Lanes (“The Dead Cowboys”). He is a railroad minstrel on “The Snow Train” which travels from Emeryville to Reno during January, February and March. Chris also warms up the crowd every Friday and Saturday night before the plays at Off Broad Street Theater in Nevada City, and performs in several musical comedy plays every year at that theater.

You can reach Chris:


For all your real estate needs:
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Distressed Properties Drive Home Prices Down In California

The Saitta House, Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, New...
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California home sales declined from both the prior month and year in January, according to data from the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.).  The median price also was lower, primarily due to a sales increase in the distressed market.

  • Closed escrow sales of existing, single-family detached homes in California totaled a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 517,740 in January, according to information collected by C.A.R. from more than 90 local REALTOR® associations and MLSs statewide.
  • January’s sales were down 0.6 percent from December’s 520,940 pace and down 5.7 percent from the revised 548,760 sales pace recorded in January 2011.  The statewide sales figure represents what would be the total number of homes sold during 2012 if sales maintained the January pace throughout the year.  It is adjusted to account for seasonal factors that typically influence home sales.
  • The statewide median price of an existing, single-family detached home fell to $268,280 in January, down 6.7 percent from $285,920 in December.  The median price also dropped 3.9 percent from the revised $279,220 median price recorded in January 2011.
  • “The decline in the January median home is largely a reflection of an increase in the share of distressed home sales,” said C.A.R. Vice President and Chief Economist Leslie Appleton-Young. “Seasonal factors in the non-distressed market also played a role in the softening of the median home price, as prices typically decline in the non-peak home buying season.”
  • California’s housing inventory rose in January, with the Unsold Inventory Index for existing, single-family detached homes increasing to 5.5 months in January, up from 4.1 months in December but down from the 6.8-month supply in January 2011.  The index indicates the number of months needed to deplete the supply of homes on the market at the current sales rate.

Read the full story 
For all your real estate needs:
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John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
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(530) 263-1091

DRE #00669941

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Racoons Are Cute, But Can Be Dangerous To Your Health

Common raccoon (Procyon lotor) and skunk (Meph...
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What is more appealing than the face of a raccoon, cute, a mask over their eyes and their overall facial features make them look wise. But, what a problem. They get into your cat food in the garage, overturn garbage cans and leave behind quite a mess. Not only that, if you continue reading, you’ll understand how dangerous they can be to your health, even fatal.

These bandit-masked raccoons are a familiar sight just about everywhere, because they will eat just about anything. These ubiquitous mammals are found in forests, marshes, prairies, and even in cities. They are adaptable and use their dexterous front paws and long fingers to find and feast on a wide variety of fare.

In the natural world, raccoons snare a lot of their meals in the water. These nocturnal foragers use lightning-quick paws to grab crayfish, frogs, and other aquatic creatures. On land, they pluck mice and insects from their hiding places and raid nests for tasty eggs.

Raccoons also eat fruit and plants—including those grown in human gardens and farms. They will even open garbage cans to dine on the contents.

They do not have opposing thumbs, but that does not seem to hinder them at all. Raccoons sample food and other objects with their front paws to examine them and to remove unwanted parts. The tactile sensitivity of their paws is increased if this action is performed underwater, since the water softens the horny layer covering the paws. However, they do not use water to clean their food as often thought. (Wikipedia)

I don’t think that feeding raccoons is a good idea, since they carry rabies and distemper, A more dangerous disease is found in raccoon feces which can contain a parasite called Baylisascaris procyonis.  This is a type of roundworm that can also infect humans.  If this parasite is transferred to humans, it can be extremely dangerous.  In children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems, infection with this roundworm can even be fatal.  Infections occur when someone comes into contact with raccoon droppings.  Millions of this parasite’s eggs are often present in the droppings.  Even though roundworm parasites need to be inside the host to survive, the eggs can remain alive and dangerous for years in the soil.  This is how people can come into contact with the parasite without even knowing that they have.

If you have been exposed to this parasite or its eggs, your symptoms could include becoming nauseous, tired, and you may notice a lack of attention or coordination.  Other more serious symptoms are the loss of muscle control, blindness, and coma.  It can also cause a person’s liver to become enlarged.  If you have come into contact with raccoon feces and have any of these symptoms, contact a doctor as soon as possible.  With the proper treatment, the ringworms can be eliminated before they travel throughout the body.

If you’ve found raccoon feces in your yard, take precautions before cleaning it up.  Be sure to wear rubber gloves and eye protection.  Experts also recommend that you wear rubber boots, tyvek overalls, and that a respirator be used.  It is also recommended that you double or triple bag the droppings before disposing of them.  This will prevent other people coming into contact with the dangerous parasite.  If you are unsure, or if you suspect a large raccoon population, you can call a professional pest controller.  They have the appropriate equipment and the training to clean up the droppings safely and they can also offer some advice for deterring raccoons from playing and foraging in your yard.

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John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
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You’re The One Who Made Me Sell My Bike – A Motorcycle Song by Chris Crockett


Chris’ comedy motorcycle song “You’re the One Who Made Me Sell My Bike” has been in the top 3 of YouTube’s top 10 Motorcycle Songs for 6 months.

Of course, you have to listen to the song to find out why he had to sell his bike.  A short bio furnished to me by Chris:

“Chris Crockett began creating songs at age 13 and has a compilation of hundreds of songs written over the past 44 years. Chris is the 3rd generation of the Crockett Family Kentucky Mountaineers, musicians who were instrumental in bringing country music to California.

Chris was born in Los Angeles, California. In the early 1960’s Chris coaxed his brothers Joel and Jeremy Crockett to form The Crockett Brothers trio. During the Crockett Brothers era Chris and the boys recorded two classic surfing/hot rod songs, “Mother Mother May I Go Surfing” and “Fastest Car In Town”. Both songs are highly prized by collectors on 45 rpm, and have recently been re-released on CD by Del-Fi/Donna Records , the label which originally recorded these two classics.

Chris is a lifetime member of the National Academy of Recording Artists and Sciences (NARAS), the organization that votes for the Grammys, and a member of the Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI). He has had several published songs and has written for major artists, motion pictures, independent artists and commercials. In 1975, Chris became a staff writer for music publisher Snuff Garrett (Garrett Music Enterprises, Inc.) During that time, he wrote songs recorded and performed by artists including Brenda Lee, Larry Mahan, Donnie Brooks, Susie Allison and several others.

In 2001, Chris made internet history with his “365 songs in 365 days” project, in which he uploaded a new song he had written every day from January 1 through December 31, 2001, completing a total of 365 original compositions and releasing 26 CDs each with 14 original songs. The 365/365 CDs are out of print, but you can download Chris’ newest album “Stranger In This Land” from ITunes, Rhapsody, Amazon, CDBaby as well as most other music sites.”

By Permission of Chris Crockett

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