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Real estate broker, civil engineer and general contractor.

Nevada County Fair Tickets On Sale Now

Art work by Sandy Gold Winner 2011 Fair Art Work Contest
Art work by Sandy Gold Winner 2011 Fair Art Work Contest

By Wendy Oaks

Buy early and save!

Tickets for the Nevada County Fair are on sale now. Purchase your admission, carnival ride tickets, and arena event tickets before the Fair begins and save money!  You can also save time by purchasing your Fair tickets online.

Buy your admission tickets before August 9 at 5 pm and get admission for only $6.  Better yet, purchase a ticket to attend the Fair on Thursday, Family Day, and get a “Be A Kid Again” adult admission ticket for only $4.  You can also take advantage of other pre-sale offers before August 9, including a five-day Fair pass with unlimited entry for $30; a season parking pass for $25; a carnival ride bracelet, good for unlimited rides for any one day, for $23; or a carnival ride booklet of 30 coupons for $20. If you purchase any ticket to an arena event, the cost for Fair admission is only $6.

There are several ways to get your tickets early. Buy your tickets by calling the Fair Office at (530) 273-6217 by August 8 at 5 pm; or order your tickets on-line at

Wendy Oaks
Publicist, Nevada County Fairgrounds
(530) 273-6217



For all your real estate needs
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John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
O’Dell Realty
(530) 263-1091

New Law Gives Added Protection For Short-Sales In California

Short Sale Diagram


On Friday, Gov. Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 458 (Corbett) into law.  The new law, which contained an urgency clause and became effective upon signing, protects homeowners pursuing short sales by barring first and secondary lien holders from going after sellers for money owed after the short sales close.

  • A short sale – a transaction in which the homeowner sells the property for less than is owed on the mortgage – must be approved by the lien holder or lien holders, if there is more than one.
  • Under previous law (SB 931 of 2010), a first mortgage holder could accept an agreed-upon short-sale payment as full payment for the outstanding balance of the loan, but the rule did not apply to junior lien holders. SB 458 extends the protections of SB 931 to junior liens.
  • The CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.) sponsored the bill and urged lawmakers to pass this much-needed legislation.
  • “The signing of this bill is a victory for California homeowners who have been forced to short sell their home, only to find that the lender will pursue them after the short sale closes and demand an additional payment to subsidize the difference,” said C.A.R. President Beth L. Peerce.  “SB 458 brings closure and certainty to the short-sale process and ensures that once a lender has agreed to accept a short-sale payment on a property, all lien holders – those in first position and in junior positions – will consider the outstanding balance as paid in full, and the homeowner will not be held responsible for any additional payments on the property.”

Read the full story 


Thinking of buying or selling?
For all your real estate needs, call or email:

John J. O’Dell Realtor®
Real Estate Broker
O’Dell Realty
9530) 263-1091

Sorting Through Lending Costs

house made of dollars
Picture courtesy of Showcase Realty

Although the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the federal agency created to oversee mortgage lending, only recently opened, the Bureau started looking at ways to protect consumers during the loan-shopping period long before it’s official start date.

Making sense of the story:

  • The bureau is exploring avenues for combining the two forms that borrowers currently receive – the three-page Good Faith Estimate and the two-page Truth in Lending Act form.  These forms tell would-be borrowers the terms of their loan – for instance, how payments on an adjustable-rate mortgage change.  They also lay out fees.
  • Fees can make a big difference when comparison shopping.  The simplest way to compare loans is by looking at the Annual Percentage Rate, or A.P.R.  That calculation rolls in fees as well as the stated interest rate.  Because lenders are required to follow the same formula, useful comparisons can be made.
  • Borrowers are advised to request a Good Faith Estimate from every lender they approach.  While the Good Faith Estimate is in place to help borrowers, according to one lender, some lenders may provide interest-rate quotations that expire almost instantaneously, making it difficult for buyers to comparison shop.
  • Borrowers should be wary if they receive two or three different Good Faith Estimates and there is a difference of several thousand dollars.

Read the full story 


For all your real estate needs
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John J. O’Dell  Realtor® GRI
O’Dell Realty
(530) 263-1091
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Nevada County Fairgrounds & BloodSource Team Up For Community Blood Drive


By Wendy Oaks

Donate blood on August 2 and receive a free admission ticket to the Fair

The Nevada County Fairgrounds and BloodSource have teamed up for a community blood drive. Make a blood donation on Tuesday, August 2, from 2 – 6 pm at the BloodSource bloodmobile located in the main parking lot at the Nevada County Fairgrounds, and receive a free admission ticket to any day of the Fair. Additionally, donors will receive a free t-shirt from BloodSource.

Donating blood is safe, easy and takes about an hour. Donors must weigh at least 110 pounds, be generally healthy, and at least 17 years old. For more information and eligibility about blood donation, visit Nevada County Fair website for more information or call the Fair Office at (530) 273-6217. The Nevada County Fairgrounds are located on McCourtney Road in Grass Valley.

Wendy Oaks
Publicist, Nevada County Fairgrounds
(530) 273-6217

Website: Nevada County Fair
Facebook: Nevada County Fairgrounds

For all your real estate needs
Call or email:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
O’Dell Realty
(530) 263-1091

Don & Georgine Wasley To Be Inducted Into Nevada County Fair’s Hall Of Fame

Don and Georgine Wasley
Don and Georgine Wasley

By Wendy Oaks

Don and Georgine Wasley have been named as the 2011 inductees into the Nevada County Fair’s Hall of Fame. The Fair’s Board of Directors recognized Don and Georgine for their commitment and long-time service to the Nevada County Fair.

The Wasleys have been dedicated employees and members of the Fair family for many decades. Don, who passed away in 2010, began working at the Fairgrounds in his youth, working in the parking lots. While Don went on to work at the U.S. Post Office, he would schedule his vacations around the Fair so that he could work at the Fair. After retiring, he continued working at the Fair – in the Main Office, as a ticket taker, and, eventually, as a cashier at Gate 1.

“Each year, working at the Fair just became part of our summer,” said Georgine. “We scheduled our vacation days to coincide with the Fair, and that’s how we spent our vacations. We couldn’t imagine doing anything else.”

Georgine, who retired in 2003 after 50 years with Bank of America, started at the Fair as part of Bank of America’s appraisal department, where she would work at the auction and sit in the ring to do sales slips. She later worked nights at the Fair – counting cash and assuming various cashier responsibilities. Her hours continued to increase, and in recent years, Georgine assumed the very responsible position of being the head cashier. With her retirement from the Fair in 2010, Georgine provided 25 years of service to the Fair.

“There was a dignity and quietude to the Wasleys, and their devotion to each other was evident in their effective teamwork,” said Fairgrounds CEO Sandy Woods. “Don and Georgine are the type of people you can always count on. They both shared a very strong work ethic and their significant years of contributing their energy and passion have greatly benefited the Nevada County Fair.”

Georgine, who will accept the award on behalf of herself and Don, is still surprised to be receiving the Hall of Fame honor. “Don and I never did any of this work for recognition. We did it to serve our community, and because we both love the Fair and the family it creates. I never expected this honor and I am still overwhelmed.”

Don and Georgine will be formally inducted into the Hall of Fame at opening day ceremonies on Wednesday, August 10. In addition to access to the Fair and its many activities, the honorees will receive a portrait donated by Shaffers Originals.

For information about the Nevada County Fair, August 10 – 14, visit Nevada County Fair


Wendy Oaks
Publicist, Nevada County Fairgrounds
(530) 273-6217


For all your real estate needs
Call or email:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
O’Dell Realty
(530) 263-1091


Nevada County Fairgrounds Foundation To Host Barbecue Dinner And Rodeo

Rodeo Nevada County Fairgrounds
Photo Courtesy Barbara Matthews

By Wendy Oaks

Join the Nevada County Fairgrounds Foundation for its annual barbecue and a night at the rodeo on Thursday, August 11 at 5:30 pm at the Nevada County Fairgrounds.

This fun, popular event is a great family event held during the Nevada County Fair! A delicious barbecue dinner will be served on the VIP Patio at the Fairgrounds. Following dinner, the fun continues at the Fairgrounds Arena for the rodeo.

Tickets are $35 each, and include admission to the Fair on Thursday, a complete dinner and rodeo tickets.   RSVP by Monday, August 1, by visiting the Fairgrounds office, calling the Fair Office at (530) 273-6217, e-mailing, or by downloading an order form at

Proceeds from the event will benefit the Nevada County Fairgrounds Foundations and its mission of supporting and improving the community’s Fairgrounds.

For more Foundation information, visit or call the (530) 273-6217. The 2011 Nevada County Fair is August 10 – 14.

Wendy Oaks
Publicist, Nevada County Fairgrounds
(530) 273-6217

Thinking of buying or selling?
For all your real estate needs, call or email:

John J. O’Dell Realtor®
Real Estate Broker
O’Dell Realty
9530) 263-1091

Nevada County Airfest 2011


I was there for the dinner dance. The theme is the 40’s 50’s with a lot of the attendees dressing  for the era.   Lots of fun and I have to thank Brian and Rachel O’Brien for tickets to the dinner – dance. This was a great Airfest!


Video by


Thinking of buying or selling?
For all your real estate needs, call or email:

John J. O’Dell Realtor®
Real Estate Broker
O’Dell Realty
9530) 263-1091