All posts by jd

Real estate broker, civil engineer and general contractor.

The States of Arizona and Nevada Sues Bank of America for Foreclosure Fraud

Bank of America Nevada City, CA

The states of Arizona and Nevada has sued Bank of America for alleged foreclosure fraud.  The lawsuits are very similar in scope, and basically allege that Bank of America engaged in deceptive practices specifically with regard to mortgage servicing, loan modification, and foreclosure.

Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard said in a press release:

“Bank of America has been the slowest of all the servicers to ramp up loss mitigation efforts in response to the housing crisis.  It has shown callous disregard for the devastating effects its servicing practices have had on individual borrowers and on the economy as a whole”.

The Arizona complaint alleges that Bank of America committed fraud in Arizona, and mislead borrowers about foreclosure and loan modification programs in the following ways (quoted from the press release):

• Whether homeowners must be delinquent on their mortgage payments to be considered for a loan modification.

• How much time it would take to receive a decision from Bank of America on a modification request or a short sale request.

• Whether foreclosure would proceed while a modification or short sale request was pending, or while a homeowner was making trial payments.

• Whether the homeowner had been approved for a loan modification.

• Failure to provide valid reasons why the homeowner was declined for a modification.

• Whether the homeowner would be approved for a permanent modification if the consumer successfully made all trial modification payments.

The Nevada lawsuit has essentially similar allegations.  Nevada Attorney General Catherine Masto said in a press release:

“We are holding Bank of America accountable for misleading and deceiving consumers.  Nevadans who were trying desperately to save their homes were unable to get truthful information in order to make critical life decisions”.

Nov 2010 Snow Storm Falls Trees, Crashes Cars Nevada County


This video was taken by Blancolirio off of Quaker Mountain Road

This only shows the tip of the iceberg of the storm damage. Power was out for 6000 people or more for several days and I still see a lot of trees that have fallen or lost their tops.

For all your real estate needs:
Call John J. O’Dell
Real Estate Broker
(530) 263-1091
DRE# 00669941

Hidden Medical Debt Trips up Homeowners

Well-qualified borrowers with good loan-to-value ratios and steady employment are increasingly finding it difficult to refinance because of medical billing mistakes impacting their credit reports and scores, according to mortgage bankers and real estate agents.

  • Nearly 14 million Americans have errors on their credit report due to medical collections, according to the Commonwealth Fund, a non-profit organization focused on health care research.
  • Unnoticed credit errors, such as small, unpaid balances on medical bills, can make refinancing a mortgage difficult or, in some instances, impossible.  If approved for a refinance, unpaid bills can result in the borrower paying higher closing costs.
  • It is critical that consumers routinely review their credit reports to ensure the reports are accurate and up-to-date.  Consumers are entitled to one free credit report annually from  The report does not include the credit score; however, the score can be obtained for a small fee.
  • The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill this fall that could provide relief for homeowners with medical-debt troubles.  The Medical Debt Relief Act, which is currently in the Senate, would remove settled medical debt from credit reports after 45 days, instead of the customary seven years.

Read the full story

For all  your real estate needs
Call John J. O’Dell
Real Estate Broker
(530) 263-1091
DRE# 00669941

The Flour Garden Bakery, Grass Valley and Auburn

The Flour Garden Bakery in Auburn
The Flour Garden Bakery in Auburn

One of my favorite coffee shops is the Flour Garden Bakery. They have really good coffee and great pastry, bread and other baked goods. I started going to there when they first opened in 1981. They have expanded from one store to two stores in Grass Valley and one in Auburn.  Maps of their location are shown at the bottom of this blog,

According to a small portion of their website:

“Started by Bill & Susan Copeland on March 14, 1981 on their stated philosophy:

“You are what you eat!” said French gourmand Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826). Appreciation for food took on new meaning in the 1960’s when a “countercuisine” emerged. “A coherent set of dietary beliefs and practices, the counter cuisine had three major parts:

  1. Avoid processed, “fake” foods.
  2. Make food more fun through improvisation, craftsmanship, ethnic and regional cooking.
  3. Be aware of how your food is produced and distributed.”

The children of the 60’s aspired to bring wisdom and responsibility to the dinner table, and to the global community. Warren J. Belasco in Appetite for Change, writes,

“I see how right many of the intuitions (of the 60’s) were: the need to align private action with planetary needs; the distrust of chemicals and technology; the rectification of nature, community and tradition; …the enthusiasm for small farms and organic methods; the intrinsic delight in whole foods.”

The Flour Garden Bakery came out of this tradition. Rather than  baking with the commercial/industrial methods using manufactured mixes and artificial flavorings, Flour Garden bakes with a special blend of classical European style and a Californian’s awareness of how our foods influence our health. Combining quality and beauty is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Everything is made from scratch. It is much more costly to bake with the finest quality and most nutritious ingredients; but the Flour Garden is determined to produce food that is not only delicious, but also enhances health.”


Extremely great baked goods and good coffee. Friendly staff.


When they are busy, be prepared to stand in line.  It’s the only coffee shop I can think of where there is not a cashier who takes your order and then someone else fills the order.  Instead, someone takes your order, prepares your drink, toast’s your bagel and brings it to your table. Its kind like having a waiter take your order and then go to the kitchen and prepare your food, then come back and serve you. Which of course, leaves everyone else waiting. Pastry and baked goods are pricey. However, that’s more than offset by the quality of their baked goods.

The Flour Garden Bakery can be found at three locations.

Grass Valley Stores

View Larger Map

Auburn Store

View Larger Map

Tim Hicks, Coming to The Center for the Arts, Grass Valley

Coming at The Center for the Arts this coming Friday, December 17. 2010 at 8 pm.  General admission is $25 Buy tickets online Click Here


As in years past, Dan, the Licks, and the Hot Licks will don their jingle bells and Santa hats for another season of holiday fun. This year, the crew has a special treat for your Christmas stocking, a new recording, “Crazy for Christmas”. Included are seven original tunes, along with Dan’s unique twist on traditional favorites like “Here Comes Santa Claus,” “Run Rudolph Run,” and a scat version of “Carol of the Bells”. There will also be plenty of other slightly off-kilter (but never off-key) material from a singer-songwriter who’s a true American original.

Beginning as a drummer in the seminal 60’s San Francisco rock band The Charlatans, and continuing with his unique and legendary Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks, Dan Hicks is widely acknowledged as one of the defining figures in American roots music. Having earned a reputation as a true original with his signature eclecticism and humor, Hicks continues to carve his way through a number of genres from proto-psychedelia to western swing and jazz, from tin pan alley to country blues — all the while cultivating his own unique sound. The original Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks recorded five ground-breaking and Billboard-charting records for the Columbia, Blue Thumb and Warner Bros. labels. They toured worldwide, and Dan appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine three times.

For all your real estate needs
Call John J. O’Dell
Real Estate Broker
DRE# 00669941