A couple in Warren, Texas, has listed their home for sale in order to be able to offer $50,000 as a reward to find their missing dog.
Charlie Parker says his missing chocolate Lab, named Sir, means everything to the family and they’re willing to give up the roof over their heads in order to find him.
“He plays such a great role in our lives,” says Parker, who has had the dog for five years. “Whatever it takes, just bring me the animal and I’ll pay you.”
The chocolate Lab disappeared Sept. 15 while Parker was mowing the lawn. The family is offering a $50,000 reward to anyone who returns the dog safely. In order to offer the $50,000 award, the family put their home on the market.
Parker told reporters that he’s willing to do anything to find the missing dog, except give up his wife and horse.
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Marshmallow was born on March 1st with low birth weight (~60% of the normal expected weight at about 66g or 2.3 oz). A month later, Marshy is breaking one pound, about 7 times the birthweight. At this point, we’re just thankful that she’s made it through the first month. What a blessing she is.
Below are some notable changes in Marshy’s behavior:
She refuses to stay in her nest box, rebelliously clawing and crying murder when she is placed there. Marshy is also able to regulate her body temperature better now to the point where she no longer needs a heating pad or “rice socks” to keep warm when mama Mochi is not around. We used to place a heating pad beneath the nest box to cover about ½ of the surface area, so Marshy could keep warm, but also move off the heated area if she felt hot.
With her head held high and steady, Marshmallow has become more photogenic as well, often times staring curiously straight into one’s eyes, a move that would melt any stone heart.
Source of text Youtube
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
Email jodell@nevadacounty.com
Elephant Escapes Circus and Runs Around Car Park in Blackpool, County Cork, Ireland. The people of Cork in Ireland had a fright today when an elephant broke free from a circus. The elephant was found outside a coffee shop.
Email or call today:
For all your real estate needs
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
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(530) 263-1091
Email jodell@nevadacounty.com
Here’s an extreme case of bats under a tile roof. I have to feel sorry for the bats, because now they don’t have a home and will have to find another place for shelter. Here’s how to handle bats if found in your home. (hopefully, not of the magnitude shown in this video)
“Don’t panic. The solutions are simple.
Bats are rarely aggressive, even if they’re being chased, but they may bite in self-defense if handled. As with any wild animal, bats should never be touched with bare hands. Always wear gloves when removing bats. Only a small percentage of bats (about one-half of one percent overall) have rabies, but anyone bitten by a bat should immediately seek medical consultation.
A solitary bat – often a lost youngster – will occasionally fly into a home, garage or other building through an open door or window. When this happens, the bat’s primary goal is to escape safely back outside. As long as no direct human contact with the bat has occurred, it can be released outdoors.
These bats will usually leave on their own if a window or door to the outside is opened, while interior entrances are closed.
If the bat does not leave on its own, it can be safely captured and released outside. (See the illustrations at right). Wait until the bat lands, then cover it with a small box or other container. Slip a piece of cardboard between the wall and the container, gently trapping the bat inside. Wait until nightfall and, with the bat inside the cardboard-covered container, take it outdoors and release it.”
Its amazing how smart birds and animals can be. We don’t give them enough credit for all of their abilities.
Studies with captive birds have given insight into which birds are the most intelligent. While parrots are able to mimic human speech, studies with the African Grey Parrot have shown that some are able to associate words with their meanings and form simple sentences. Along with crows, ravens, and jays, parrots are considered the most intelligent of birds. The brain-to body size ratio of psittacines and corvines is actually comparable to that of higher primates.One argument against the supposed intelligent capabilities of bird species is that birds have a relatively small cerebral cortex, which is the part of the brain considered to be the main area of intelligence in other animals. However, birds use a different part of the brain, the medio-rostral neostriatum / hyper striatum ventrale, as the seat of their intelligence. Not surprisingly, research has shown that these species tend to have the largest hyperstriata, and Dr Harvey J. Karten, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Diego, who studied bird physiology, has discovered that the lower part of the avian brain is functionally similar to that in humans. Not only have parrots demonstrated intelligence through scientific testing of their language-using ability, but some species of parrot such as the Kea are also highly skilled at using tools and solving puzzles.[
Meet the Knoxville Zoo ‘s avian SUPERSTAR, Einstein. Go visit Einstein the African gray parrot at the Knoxville Zoo’s Bird Show, Knoxville, TN USA
The persistent pest pilfers the dairy dish from its surprising docile feline friend, who eventually licks its whiskers and wanders away, defeated. Cat defenders on YouTube are sufficiently outraged (“That rat is pushing his f***ing luck”), while rodent apologists show equally vocal support: “Domestic rats like this one are not disgusting, they’re very clean animals, highly intelligent and make great pets.” Surprisingly, we found ourselves cheering for the rat’s victory in this viral tug of war — a more fortuitous fate than that of unlucky relatives who end up as snake food.g
For all your real estate needs:
Call or email today
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
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(530) 263-1091
Email jodell@nevadacounty.com
What is more appealing than the face of a raccoon, cute, a mask over their eyes and their overall facial features make them look wise. But, what a problem. They get into your cat food in the garage, overturn garbage cans and leave behind quite a mess. Not only that, if you continue reading, you’ll understand how dangerous they can be to your health, even fatal.
These bandit-masked raccoons are a familiar sight just about everywhere, because they will eat just about anything. These ubiquitous mammals are found in forests, marshes, prairies, and even in cities. They are adaptable and use their dexterous front paws and long fingers to find and feast on a wide variety of fare.
In the natural world, raccoons snare a lot of their meals in the water. These nocturnal foragers use lightning-quick paws to grab crayfish, frogs, and other aquatic creatures. On land, they pluck mice and insects from their hiding places and raid nests for tasty eggs.
Raccoons also eat fruit and plants—including those grown in human gardens and farms. They will even open garbage cans to dine on the contents.
They do not have opposing thumbs, but that does not seem to hinder them at all. Raccoons sample food and other objects with their front paws to examine them and to remove unwanted parts. The tactile sensitivity of their paws is increased if this action is performed underwater, since the water softens the horny layer covering the paws. However, they do not use water to clean their food as often thought. (Wikipedia)
I don’t think that feeding raccoons is a good idea, since they carry rabies and distemper, A more dangerous disease is found in raccoon feces which can contain a parasite called Baylisascaris procyonis. This is a type of roundworm that can also infect humans. If this parasite is transferred to humans, it can be extremely dangerous. In children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems, infection with this roundworm can even be fatal. Infections occur when someone comes into contact with raccoon droppings. Millions of this parasite’s eggs are often present in the droppings. Even though roundworm parasites need to be inside the host to survive, the eggs can remain alive and dangerous for years in the soil. This is how people can come into contact with the parasite without even knowing that they have.
If you have been exposed to this parasite or its eggs, your symptoms could include becoming nauseous, tired, and you may notice a lack of attention or coordination. Other more serious symptoms are the loss of muscle control, blindness, and coma. It can also cause a person’s liver to become enlarged. If you have come into contact with raccoon feces and have any of these symptoms, contact a doctor as soon as possible. With the proper treatment, the ringworms can be eliminated before they travel throughout the body.
If you’ve found raccoon feces in your yard, take precautions before cleaning it up. Be sure to wear rubber gloves and eye protection. Experts also recommend that you wear rubber boots, tyvek overalls, and that a respirator be used. It is also recommended that you double or triple bag the droppings before disposing of them. This will prevent other people coming into contact with the dangerous parasite. If you are unsure, or if you suspect a large raccoon population, you can call a professional pest controller. They have the appropriate equipment and the training to clean up the droppings safely and they can also offer some advice for deterring raccoons from playing and foraging in your yard.
I’ve just learned that there is website called Welcome Home Blog that has daily videos of military homecoming. Sure, it’s probably impossible to have a military homecoming video that isn’t wonderful, but this one’s a little different. In it, the returning soldiers are greeted by their dogs who welcomes them home with all the excitement one would normally expect from the more human members of the family.