Category Archives: Real Estate

Real Estate is Still a Great Investment

key with dollar sign

Facing the burst of the real estate bubble, many feel that we have a real estate crisis that will never be repaired. Sometimes we forget that although there are a lot of foreclosures, the great majority of people are still retaining their homes. Further, history has shown over and over that real estate values always come back. No one is making more land, it’s harder to subdivide due to the bureaucracy that keeps growing to slow the subdivision process down and of course, the continuing increase in the population.

Real estate has made many people, starting out with basically nothing, to become quite rich. This is due to the fact that you can leverage your real estate purchase by buying with a small down payment, getting credit to buy your home or other real estate, and more importantly to have the ability to know that you have clear title to your property. That is if you are a prudent buyer and get a proper title search and title insurance, you know that you really have property rights to the real estate that you purchased.

As an example of what I’ve said, India has finally come to the conclusion that capitalism only works when countries have well defined property rights as stated in this article from The Times of India (Chennai edition): August 31, 2009

“India’s litigation-ridden property rights system might finally get a much-needed makeover, with the urban development ministry writing to state and local authorities to put in place a property title certification system to ensure conclusive title guarantees. The ministry also plans to organize a workshop for local officials to help chalk out an action plan.

This could revolutionize the land market and also have major implications for India’s economy. Celebrated economist Hernando de Soto has pointed out that capitalism truly succeeds only in countries with well-defined property rights. In developed countries, assets can be leveraged as collateral to take loans, which form the basis of entrepreneurship. But the lack of property rights in developing countries turns assets into ‘dead capital’.

It’s an argument that resonates in India, with property disputes being a bane for millions. The cult hit ‘Khosla ka Ghosla’ made the point humorously, but many people have suffered the same problem first-hand, and found nothing even remotely funny about it.”

America does have well defined property rights and they are very important for the health of our country and our people.

FAQ About Loan Modifications – The Most Common Questions Answered


Homeowners now have a way out of their financial difficulties using the new home loan modification plan. In the past, when homeowners were finding it difficult to pay their mortgages, there were very few options. The first choice was foreclosure. There are bound to be many questions about this new plan. This article contains many of the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

How Did this Program Come Into Being?

The loan modification program, part of the Making Home Affordable plan, came into effect on February 10, 2009. As of March 4th, 2009, homeowners who meet the criteria can change the terms of their loan so they can keep their homes.

Who Qualifies?

People who live in the home for which they owe the mortgage qualify for a loan modification. The loan must have been signed before the beginning of 2009 and be for no more than $729,750. Gross monthly income will be verified before a loan modification can be obtained.

How Does it Work?

First the percentage of your gross monthly income that is used to pay your mortgage is calculated. Under this plan, homeowners who qualify can have their payments modified so it is no higher than 38% of their total income. Then the government will match the lender’s reduction so the loan payment is lowered to 31%. Once a new monthly payment is agreed upon, it is effective for five years.

What Happens in a Loan Modification?

First, your monthly payment will be looked at as a percentage of your total gross monthly income. Under the Making Home Affordable plan, qualified homeowners can get their loan terms modified by the lender so that their monthly payment does not exceed 38% of their gross monthly income. After that, the government will match the lender dollar for dollar to lower the loan to 31% of monthly income. Those new monthly payment remains fixed for the next five years.

Who is Paying for All This?

The Homeowner Stability Initiative has been formed to make these modifications possible. This initiative will spend $75 billion of taxpayers’ money to offer loan modifications. It is thought that this plan will help 3-4 million homeowners.

What Limitations are In Effect?

This plan is not available to investors and house flippers. A credit check will be done on all applicants to make sure they are actually living in the house before a modification will be granted.

How Do I Apply?

If you are interested in a loan modification, contact O’Neal & Associates for financial advice and help you figure out your next move.

This article is meant to provide some basic information about the government’s Making Home Affordable plan and will help homeowners deal with their monthly mortgage payments.

Source Sarah O’Neal

Funny Real Estate Pictures

gleaming through the internet, every once in a while you come across real estate pictures that are just too funny.



Buy a glass of lemonade for $6.2 million and you get the house for free.
Picture by allspice1


Now this is what I call a tree house. If anyone knows where this is, let me know.



If you have an ugly house, you might as well tell the world.
Picture by whatarogue


A house and a hotel. The architect must had one trip too many.
Picture by Miki216

If you have pictures of unusal or funny house pictures, e-mail them to me.

Nigerian 419 Scams – Real Estate Transactions, Lonely Hearts and Work at Home

nigeria ripped off

I don’t know how many 419 scam letters I’ve received, promising me untold wealth if I would just communicate with them and send them all of my bank account numbers. I would than receive 30 percent of $48,000,000. Not bad, but why do they always pick $48,000,000? I’ve guess they’ve taken a marketing course and never say it’s $47,999,999.99, because they’re trying to give you something, not sell you something.

Believe it or not, they’re having a hard time. Their income of $30,000 to $60,000 a month has been cut in half or more due to the worldwide downturn in the economy. Americans are just not putting out the money like they use to.

The scammers make their income from promising brides who some how never appear because someone stole the plane fare money at Western Union and would you please re-wire me some more money? I’m very anxious to meet you and marry you, so please send me more money, resulting in some of our fleeced victims losing over $25,000 US. US, you notice they always say US? They want your American dollars not Nigerian coins.
Continue reading Nigerian 419 Scams – Real Estate Transactions, Lonely Hearts and Work at Home

First-Time Buyer Tax Credit Extension Possible


There are a lot of things driving the real estate market in California. The affordability index has increased to 67%. That is, 67 percent of potential buyers can now afford to buy a home. Prices driven down by short sales and foreclosures, have a dark side, but have created buying opportunities for investors and first time home buyers.

Another incentive for first time home buyers is the $8,000 tax credit. Due to expire on November 30, bills to extend the tax credit are pending in both the U.S. House and the Senate.
Continue reading First-Time Buyer Tax Credit Extension Possible

Residential Sales in Nevada County by Area

Nevada County, CA
Nevada County, CA

The Nevada County Multiple Listing Service (MLS) breaks Western Nevada County into various areas. As a result, I can give you sales data for different regions of Nevada County. The data that I give you below represents the time period difference in sales from July 2009, to the same period last year. Different areas of Western Nevada County depreciated faster than other areas, with some areas decreasing in value as much as -27%

Here’s the residential sales data broken down by areas, July 2009 (current period) July 2008 (one year ago):

Continue reading Residential Sales in Nevada County by Area

Residential Prices Continue to Fall in Nevada County

chart sales up

Prices in Nevada County residential property continued to drop overall from July of this year compared to July of 2008. Overall, there was $290,919,175 in residential sales compared to $355,118,054 for the same period last year. The median price dropped from $414,858 to $347,989. Sales decreased only 2% compared to a median price drop of 16% for residential sales.

Sales in Nevada County have continued to increase in the last few months which is the other side of the coin.  As prices drop, homes become more affortable, creating an affortable residential market. Investors continue to be a large part of the residential sales.

Continue reading Residential Prices Continue to Fall in Nevada County

New rules for Refinancing That You Just do not Hear About


Let me try to help you make sense of the Government Home Affordable Refinance program. Believe me it can be very confusing.

Under the federal government’s Home Affordable Refinance program the plan is confusing and confounding. For example, under the program, lenders are supposed to refinance loans with mortgage insurance. But they are evasive about whether they will.

Another example: Last month, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announced that they would refinance mortgages at up to 125 percent of current market value. Sounds great — but borrowers will have to wait.
Continue reading New rules for Refinancing That You Just do not Hear About

Investing in Foreclosed Homes in Nevada County


Smart investors are continuing to take advantage of the present foreclosure market. I don’t have an exact figure of how many foreclosures there are in Nevada County, but I just had one of my investors open escrow on two foreclosed homes in Nevada County. With some existing home prices under $200,000 in the county, there are some buying opportunities that are hard to pass up if you have the money to invest and willing to ride out the present downturn in real estate.

Continue reading Investing in Foreclosed Homes in Nevada County

More on & Home Values

I recently wrote an article about National Community Reinvestment Coalition filing a complaint with the Federal Trade commission about the accuracy of In their complaint, a NCRC, a group for advancing appraisers, stated that gave false and mis-leading values of homes. has prepared a video to address this issue and I found it very informative.


If you can’t see this video, you need to download flash from Adobe Flash