Category Archives: Real Estate

Want a Bank Loan, Just Sign Here!


Wonder why we have so many foreclosures now? Here’s an advertisement from “Home & Land” a Monmouth County, New Jersey real estate promotional magazine from the summer of 2005. Reading the ad, you can see how loose the lending standards were.

Chase’s “Simply Signature” mortgage program involved nothing more than your signature, a mirror placed under your nose to make sure you were breathing and wonders of wonders; you had a mortgage to buy your home!

Chase was not the only one’s making “Simply Signature” loans, Washington Mutual, (gone), Countrywide (gone), and since 2006 – 345 banks have “imploded” due to their loose lending practices.
So this is the reason we are in the mess we’re in.

Total deregulation of the banks, where they made loans, forgetting the safe practices they had used before, in which the requirements were; good credit, a reasonable amount for a down payment, and good appraisal practices. That was all thrown to the wind, in a mad dash to make as many mortgages as possible, then selling them off in bundles called derivatives to un-wary investors so they could make more unsafe loans.

You can thank the politicians, along with the banks, with their strong lobbyists paying off both sides of the aisle for the deregulations that have led to the present recession. Some blame the Fed for loose money standards, but no one made the banks drop all their safe lending practices. If you think of what you would do if you had 500 thousand dollars to loan out as an investment… would you just give it out to anyone? I wouldn’t if I really wanted a safe return on my money!

For a list of the failed banks go to Implote O Meter. This site keeps track of failed banks

Failures of Savings & Loans Crisis due to de-regulation Wikipedia

And, of course the banks are STILL fighting deregulation, see New York Times article: Crisis, Banks Dig In for Fight Against Rules

Residential Home Sales, May 2009, Nevada County


In general, I track daily sales on from the Nevada County Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and there is a definite increase in sales lately. This is a good sign that people are buying, both investors and first time home buyers. Interest rates are very attractive now, and along with the bargains, the market seems to be shifting upwards. The market dynamics of Nevada County home sales from Terradatum are as follows:

Median prices of homes in Nevada County in May 2009 were $300,000 compared to the median price in May 2008 of $365,000 or a further decline in price of 18 percent.   

May 2009 sales decreased somewhat from April of 2009, with 59 closed sales in May versus 79 closed sales in April. However, sales from January 2009 to May 2009 were 272 closings compared to sales from January 2008 to May 2008 of 219 closings or a 24 percent increase in sales.

At the present time, there are 1,200 residential properties for sale or a 17.6 months inventory of homes.  If you have any questions, please e-mail me and I will glad to help you.

By the way, look on the left side of this page and you will see the daily postings of MLS stats under “What I’m Doing”. These stats include all sales, land, commercial, residential and multi-family for Western Nevada County.  They may include some sales from out of the area.


Tax Credit Can Be Used on Closing Costs


FHA-approved lenders received the go-ahead to develop bridge-loan products that enable first-time buyers to use the benefits of the federal tax credit upfront, according to eagerly awaited guidance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on so-called home buyer tax credit loans that was released today.
Under the guidance, FHA-approved lenders can develop bridge loans that home buyers can use to help cover their closing costs, buy down their interest rate, or put down more than the minimum 3.5 percent.

The loans can’t be used to cover the minimum 3.5 percent, senior HUD officials told reporters on a conference call Friday morning.

Thus, buyers applying for FHA-backed financing with an FHA-approved lender that offers a bridge-loan program can get a bridge loan to bring down the upfront costs of buying a home significantly but would still have to come up with the minimum 3.5 percent downpayment.

There remain many sources of assistance for buyers needing help with the 3.5 percent downpayment, including many state and local government instrumentalities and nonprofit lenders.

In addition, some state housing finance agencies

have developed their own tax credit bridge loan programs, so buyers in states whose HFAs offer such programs can monetize the tax credit upfront to cover all or part of their downpayment. These programs are separate from what HUD announced today.
The first-time homebuyer tax credit was enacted last year–and improved upon earlier this year–to help encourage households to enter the housing market while interest rates are low and affordability is high. The credit is worth up to $8,000 and is available to households that haven’t owned a home in at least three years. The credit does not have to be repaid, and is fully reimbursable, so households can get their credit returned to them in the form of a payment.

Source: Robert Freedman, REALTOR® Magazine Online



More Signs of Housing Recovery


While there may be another storm of foreclosures on the horizon, at least for now there are some signs of recovery for our housing market. California is the bell weather of the economy for the nation. Any sign that the housing market in California is recovering is a sign that the economy is recovering.

It’s the first back-to-back increase in the state’s housing prices in two years, following an increase in the median price of homes in March from February. The median price of $256,700 for single-family homes in April is up from a median price of $253,040 in March, according to estimates by the California Association of Realtors. (In Nevada County for the month of May the median has ranged from $295,000 to $280,000)

Overall the housing values in California increased 1.4% statewide.

The April prices were still off 36.5% from the same month a year ago, but the sales of 540,360 homes on a seasonally adjusted, annualized basis represented a 49.2% rise over the same time, the Realtors group reported Thursday.

April also marked the eighth consecutive month of single-family-home sales above 500,000 units. The inventory of unsold homes continued to shrink, to 4.6 months’ supply from 9.8 months a year ago. “It appears that the median price is now at or near the bottom,” said Leslie Appleton-Young, chief economist for the Realtors’ association, who has previously made more subdued comments.
“At best, some markets have at least temporarily leveled off in price,” said Andrew LePage, analyst at MDA Dataquick Information Services, a market-research firm in La Jolla, Calif. “I don’t see any markets that have clearly bottomed out.”

In general, the best-performing markets across the state in terms of sales volume were in lower-priced, inland areas that had seen some of the steepest declines in prices. Sales in the high-desert region outside Los Angeles, for example, more than doubled in April from the same month a year ago, after price declines of 49.5% over the same time. Median prices, even month to month, continued to fall there amid a glut of foreclosures.

But in several more densely populated areas, the median price was stronger. Los Angeles County’s median rose 1.9% in April from March, after falling 31% over the past year. In Silicon Valley’s Santa Clara County, the median price rose 3.6% after a year-over-year fall of 38.2%, the Realtor’s group said. Boosting sales are some of the best affordability rates in almost a decade, say economists.
Realtors’ officials said sales remain weaker for more-expensive homes. Inventories of unsold homes in the under-$500,000 segment, for example, shrank to nearly three months’ supply in April from about 10 months a year ago. But the inventory of homes priced at more than $1 million rose to about 17 months from 10 months a year earlier.

The problem for the higher end of the market is that lending has tightened greatly for the jumbo mortgages that are often needed to buy a home costing more than $500,000, say economists. Some lenders now require down payments of as much as 30% to 40%. As a result, sales have remained anemic in pricey markets like San Francisco

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Investor Buying Fuels Home Sales

Home for Sale 18026 Jayhawk Drive, Lake Wildwood, not a foreclosure, MLS 103551
Home for Sale 18026 Jayhawk Drive, Lake Wildwood, not a foreclosure, MLS 103551

I was just asked by a client to make an offer yesterday for a home in Hayward that is in foreclosure. When I called the listing agent, she said there were two pending offers already! One of the reasons home sales have risen this year is the spike in investor groups in troubled markets that are buying up clusters of foreclosed houses from banks.

In many cases, investors are prevailing over first-time home buyers and other owner-occupants because they bring cash to the table.

For instance, in Phoenix where 38 percent of April sales of single-family homes were all-cash deals, Mark Allen, a former division president at D.R. Horton, the nation’s largest home builder, is working with Gorilla Capital, which specializes in foreclosures, to buy dozens of properties at courthouse auctions.

Barclays Capital estimates that banks and loan investors owned 765,500 foreclosed homes as of April 1, up from 629,100 last year. By 2010, Barclays expects them to have acquired about 1.3 million homes. When the market improves, these owners will try to sell.

“All this investor buying isn’t depleting supply, it’s only shifting it around,” Allen says.

Maybe, but a lot of investor’s are buying these homes, putting a little money into them and reselling at a profit to home owners, not investors. Others are buying for long term rentals. With prices this low, a lot of first time home buyers are now able to get into the market.

Foreclosed Homes a Buying Feast for Investors


Foreclosed home sales are going up here in Nevada County and elsewhere. The price of many of the foreclosed homes are making it affordable for investors to buy homes, do minor repairs and resell them for a profit. In many cases, mom and pop buyers are in the market to get a few rentals. But the big boys are into the market now, knowing that this is a buying opportunity a lifetime.

According to the Wall Street Journal:

“The pace of housing sales has been rising in many markets this year, but it is only partly because families seeking affordable housing are returning to the market.

It also is because of investors like former Deutsche Bank managing director Matthew Cooleen, whose firm has spent $30 million buying pools of foreclosed houses from banks.

His newly formed Greenwich, Conn.-based firm, HudsonCross Financial, is betting it can make a profit reselling in beaten-down markets in states like Nevada, Arizona and Florida and in Southern California because it is paying so little for the homes.

In Phoenix, Mark Allen, a former division president at D.R. Horton, the nation’s largest home builder, is reselling homes he is buying at courthouse auctions with funding from Gorilla Capital, an Oregon-based firm that targets foreclosures. “It’s the only way to make money in Phoenix residential real estate right now,” Mr. Allen says.
After mostly retreating from the housing market after the bubble burst, investors are returning in droves, hoping to take advantage of the distress. In many cases, Realtors say, investors also are outbidding first-time home buyers and other would-be occupants because they often come to the table with all-cash offerings.

“Foreclosures are low-hanging fruit at the moment,” says Laurence Pelosi, who helped close big land and housing-development deals for Morgan Stanley before he left the bank earlier this year and joined McKinley Partners, a small investment firm that is buying foreclosures in California.

McKinley and a partner are in contract to buy four homes in Pittsburg, a small city east of Oakland. The firm is buying one house, which was valued at $412,000 near the peak in 2005, for $84,000. McKinley plans to rent out the homes for as much as $1,200 a month. After paying to manage the property and other expenses, it expects 5% to 7% returns on its investment from the rental income and, hopefully, a big payoff from a resale when the market improves.”
“Foreclosures are low-hanging fruit at the moment,” says Laurence Pelosi, who helped close big land and housing-development deals for Morgan Stanley before he left the bank earlier this year and joined McKinley Partners, a small investment firm that is buying foreclosures in California.”

By the way, if you are in the market to buy foreclosed homes, please contact me at E-Mail John O’Dell or use the contact page. Thanks

Nevada County’s Median Home Prices, Better Then Southern California’s

Scotts Flat Lake, picture taken from my deck. May 24,2009
Scotts Flat Lake, picture taken from my deck. May 24,2009

 Compared to the six-county region of Southern California, we’re not doing too bad here in Nevada County. Our median price in April was $279,500, compared to Southern California’s $247,000. In addition, their market dropped from $250,000 in March and 35.8 percent from $385,000 a year ago.  

Southern California’s median last month was the lowest since 2002, and was 51.1 percent below the peak of $505,000, which was hit in spring and summer of 2007.

 “The dip in median prices ran counter to recent reported buying frenzies that have had economists, analysts and Realtors saying the market was recovering. What could be skewing the median down is the lack of high-end coastal sales, which means higher sale prices are missing from the data, DataQuick officials said.”

“Last month’s Southland sales were the highest for that month since April 2006, when 27,114 homes sold, but were 18.2 percent below the average April sales total since 1988, when DataQuick’s statistics begin. Foreclosure resales made up a lot of those sales. In April, they accounted for 53.6 percent of all Southland resale’s last month. It was the seventh consecutive month in which post-foreclosure properties made up more than half of all resales.”

“John Walsh, MDA DataQuick president offered a word of caution for the market. Foreclosures could keep coming. The effect of mounting job losses could trigger more defaults, and a new wave of foreclosures on ‘option ARM’ loans and ’stated income’ loans used in mid- to high-end markets could also come, Walsh said.”

“‘If job cuts remain deep and foreclosures spike, then the past few months might later be viewed as nothing more than a brief calm before the next foreclosure storm,’ Walsh said.”

However, I have noticed a large increase in sales in Nevada County in May and I will have a full report on May’s sales in the first week of June. Our median price in Nevada County has risen to $299,000 in May.

Banks Finally Try to Make Short Sales Shorter


There is sometimes nothing more frustrating than a short sale. Banks typically take 90 days to six months, accept other offers if they are a dollar higher in the meantime, therefore never knowing if the home your are trying to buy will become a reality. So the news is that Bank of America and Wells Fargo, say they are making it easier for delinquent borrowers to avoid foreclosure by selling their homes for less than they owe on them.

Their efforts dovetail with a strategy unveiled last week by the Obama administration to promote such short sales.

Demand for short sales has burgeoned because falling home prices have made it impossible for many homeowners to get high enough prices to repay their lenders if they run into financial trouble, such as a job loss.

A short sale has an advantage over foreclosure for the homeowner because it is less embarrassing and does less damage to his or her credit. And for the lender, it is less costly than having to repossess, market and maintain a vacant property. Avoiding a foreclosure means keeping a house occupied which helps preserve a neighborhood.

However, because of the complexity of such transactions — including the need for approval of a sales price by lenders, investors and mortgage insurers — the sales often fall apart. Real estate agents complain that by the time they get an answer from the bank on an offer, the potential buyer has lost interest.

At Bank of America, the nation’s largest mortgage servicer, more than 60 percent of approved short sales do not close, which is why the bank wants to streamline the process, said BofA Senior Vice President David Sunlin by telephone Thursday.

Sunlin, who manages short sales for the bank, said the “bank’s first goal still is to negotiate a mortgage modification that will let a borrower keep his home —during those negotiations the bank can simultaneously obtain the documentation needed to qualify the borrower for a short sale if the modification doesn’t work”

Banks typically do not begin the lengthy process of qualifying a borrower for a short sale until it has received a purchase offer.

To expedite short sales, Bank of America has enlarged and updated staff training and set up a phone line dedicated to short sales that borrowers and their agents can use.

 Sunlin said, ” in 60 to 90 days the bank will roll out a Web program it will use to find and track the short sales of houses with mortgages that it services.  The Web portal also will accept qualifying documentation from clients wishing to do short sales.”

It typically takes 45 to 60 days for the bank to tell a client if a short sale offer can be accepted and up to 90 days if an investor must approve , with the goal for the banks is to shorten this time line.

By doing this, we should see more private sales instead of more sales of bank-owned (houses),” 

Sunlin said short sales will also benefit from an amendment to President Barack Obama’s Making Home Affordable program announced last week that will standardize short sale application and acceptance forms. It also provides monetary incentives to servicers and helps cover relocation expense for homeowners.

David Knight, senior vice president at Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, said in an interview that his bank has been working many months to reduce delays in the short sale process. He said the bank is working closely with borrowers’ agents to increase the likelihood that the listing prices on a short sale will be accepted.

The lending and real estate industries have been on a crash course to learn about short sales since the housing market bust, Knight said. “The big challenge is none of us really understood the process,”

By the way, as of May 22, 2009, in Nevada County, there are 103 active short sales on the market and 55 short sales with contingencies, for a total of 158 short sales.

Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO, Gets to Knock Down His House

Steve Jobs Woodside Home to be Demolished. Photo by Jonathan Haeber
Steve Jobs Woodside Home to be Demolished. Photo by Jonathan Haeber

After years of legal battles, it looks like the Woodside Town Council agreed to allow Steve to demolish his home on Mountain House Road in Woodside.

The 1926 Spaish Revival estate of the top the hill was built by a copper magnate and now owned by Steve Jobs, is one step closer to demolition. After years of legal battles, the Woodside Town Council last week agreed that the 14 bedroom, 17,000 square foot home could be torn down. A demolition permit could be issued as soon as next month.

For more than a decade empty, the house that once hosted the likes of Shirley Temple, Charles Lindbergh and Richard Nixon is destroying itself.

Bougainvillea that once graced the front facade with bright pink flowers has grown thick and monstrous, wrapping its arms around the terrace. Tendrils creep up the balcony, grasp a vulnerable edge, and pry off chunks of white stucco that crash to the ground and lay still.

Ceilings have collapsed under puddles of rain water. Broken windows have lured in the mold. An owl took roost in the master bedroom. And lizards scamper everywhere.

“We call this demolition by neglect,” said Brian Turner, law fellow at the San Francisco office of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, who has been fighting to save the house.

Jobs bought the property off Mountain Home Road in 1984, the year he introduced the Apple Macintosh to the world. He lived there for nearly a decade before renting it out and moving to Palo Alto. Time magazine once photographed him sitting on the expansive, sloping lawn with the gleaming white fortress behind him.

Even Daniel Jackling, a copper baron, tore down a clapboard cottage to build the Woodside estate for his family. He hired renowned architect George Washington Smith, famous for his Spanish Colonial Revival homes in Santa Barbara and Montecito. Jackling’s wife, a San Francisco socialite, rode horses from the stables across what was then a 100-plus acre property. His niece played the organ — the biggest privately owned pipe organ in the country — in an ornate room built especially for it. Prominent musicians would make pilgrimages to play upon it. Charles Lindbergh was a guest.

Source Mercury News

For additional photos and history of the home go to The Jackling House Showdown by Jonathan Haeber

We’re Getting Back to a “Real” Home Market at Last


Housing affordability among first-time Californian home buyers in Q109 improved more than 20 percentage points from the year-ago period, according to survey results released Thursday by the California Association of Realtors (CAR).  This is good news for us here in Nevada County. The more people who can afford to buy a home, the sooner home prices will stabilize.

Home prices became out of reach for over 86 percent of the people in California, when real estate was selling so fast and furious.  The only reason home sales kept going was the easy lending practices. Buyers who really couldn’t afford a home were able to get home loans, resulting in the large number of foreclosures that we have at the present time.   Now we are getting back to a “real” home market.

The data suggest the potential for a significant increase in first-time buyer presence on the market, although it’s unclear how many of these households will actually participate. The increased housing affordability indicates substantially lower home prices, likely affected by foreclosure sales in the state.

CAR found 69% of California households could afford to purchase an entry-level home in Q109, compared with only 46% in the same quarter last year.

The median entry-level price for a home in California was $213,040 in the first quarter, making the estimated monthly payment $1,270. A California household needs a minimum $38,090 yearly income to purchase under these circumstances, CAR said. These households typically purchase a home equal to 85% of the prevailing median price.

Californian households might enjoy some new affordability due to the state’s high foreclosure sales volumes. A monthly report released this week by ForeclosureRadar saw foreclosure notices ease by 18% in the state during April, while sales at auction rose 35% overall and a record number of properties sold at an average 28% below the estimated market value.

Areas like California with high volumes of so-called “distressed” sales — which traditionally fetch 20% less than non-foreclosures — also tend to show the first signs of recovery, National Association of Realtors economist Jed Smith tells HousingWire for the upcoming June magazine issue.

“We’ve seen some phenomenal strength in California, Arizona, Nevada and Florida recently, largely because prices in those markets got bid down to such a point that the first-time home buyer and probably many others have seen a real opportunity there…to come back into the market,” he says