Category Archives: Real Estate

Banks Banking Their Money

Banks and their money
Banks and their money

So the major banks have been given billions of dollars from TARP so we could start borrowing money to buy cars and homes to get the economy going again. But now that the banks are awash in cash they’re keeping it in the bank. It seems that the banks are hoarding their cash so they can pay back TARP funds and of course, so they can raise the pay of their CEO’s. After all, they claim if they can’t pay millions to the top help, they won’t be able to hire good managers?

According to Fortune Magazine, writing about the large amounts of cash that lending institutions have on hand:

“The rise was even more dramatic at Bank of America, where cash on hand soared to $173 billion at the end of the first quarter from $33 billion at year-end. CEO Ken Lewis, whose Charlotte-based bank recently acquired the troubled broker-dealer Merrill Lynch, called the shift “very expensive in the short term but well worth the cost in the long term.”

Other institutions holding cash are Goldman, $164 billion, Morgan Stanley $150 billion, AmEX, $25 billion in the third quarter from $13 billion in the forth quarter.

Here’s another quote from Fortune Magazine:

“Liquidity allows the banks to lend if they can find borrowers who can pay them back,” said Gary Townsend, a former bank analyst who now runs Hill-Townsend Capital in Chevy Chase, Md. “That’s the big challenge right now, because the risk-adjusted returns are as big as we’ve seen in a couple of decades.”

Interpret that statement to mean if you want to borrow money from a bank, you must have enough money and assets that you really don’t need to borrow money.

Jumbo Loan Limits Raised by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac


Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will once more begin buying “super-conforming” mortgage loans of up to $729,750, which will bring rates down for borrowers with good credit seeking loans previously classified as jumbo.
Currently, loans greater than the $417,000 conforming limit in “normal” housing markets — or the super-conforming limit of up to $625,500 in high-cost markets — are considered jumbo loans.

Jumbo loans carry higher rates than conforming loans because they aren’t eligible for purchase or guarantee by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Rates on jumbo loans are running at least 1 percent to 1.5 percent higher than conforming loans of less than $417,000.

In between conforming and jumbo loans are so-called super-conforming loans that exceed the $417,000 conforming loan limit, but are still eligible for purchase or guarantee by Fannie and Freddie.

Super-conforming loans carry slightly higher interest rates than conforming loans — about 25 to 30 basis points — but are less costly than jumbo loans that Fannie and Freddie can’t buy or guarantee. A basis point is one hundredth of a percent.

On Jan. 1, the upper limit for super-conforming loans was rolled back from $729,750 to $625,500. But the economic stimulus bill signed into law Feb. 17 restored the higher limit for single-family homes in high-cost markets that was in place for much of 2008.

The following week, the Federal Housing Finance Agency published lookup tables for the new Fannie and Freddie limits in high-cost markets — 250 counties nationwide.

But Fannie Mae did not issue its eligibility requirements for the new limits until March 30. Freddie Mac published its guidelines on April 16. Both companies will begin buying super conforming loans of up to $729,750 from lenders on May 4.

Wells Fargo will begin making super-conforming loans of up to $729,750 in high-cost markets on Monday, and Bank of America will start in mid-May, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

Craigslist Classified for Rent Scams


Although millions of transactions spawned by Craigslist are completed without a problem, there is always someone out there using it to steal someone’s money. So goes the tale of a West African scammer who took the address of a home in Lexington that was listed for sale and advertised it on Craigslist as one of his rentals. Saying that he was in West Africa on a land deal, he gave instructions the prospective renter to send a deposit and first month’s rent to a specified address and the keys for the house would be sent by mail.

People who wanted to rent the property, saw a for sale sign and called the listing agent telling her that they had seen the house for rent on Craigslist. The listing agent became aware of the scam and contacted Craigslist. She discovered that that the con artist had used her listing photographs and details of the property from her listing information and had used his contact number instead of her. The listing agent contacted Craigslist and told them of the scam and she hopes it is gone. The twist in this story – the property had been sold even before she got any calls for renting the property.

Here’s another one, how about a Nigerian “pastor” who was trying to collect rent on a Delta Township home to which he had no connection?

The homeowner’s were not amused when all of a sudden, their house which had no activity all of a sudden had tons of people driving by and looking at their home. They were picking up flyers and people were getting out of their cars and looking around their home.

One of the browsers approached the homeowners and wanted to confirm that the house was for rent. Available for WHAT? Was the astonished reply by the homeowners. It seems the home was listed for rent by the good pastor for $1,300 a month, including utilities, dogs and cats were welcomed. Now for a 2,000 square foot home in a good neighborhood this is really a good deal. And we all know if it’s too good to be true, well, it’s not true. The bogus ad had gone up the previous night on Craigslist and the next day the home was bombarded by lookers. The ad on the Internet classified ad site: $1,300 per month plus a $500 deposit.

The agent acknowledged that Craigslist was among the many places he listed the house, but never as a rental. Somebody simply lifted the text of the ad and created a new ad in the hope of collecting as much money as possible before being exposed.

The man who posted the ad called himself “Pastor Heller,” and he tells a story about having to abandon the Delta Township home for an emergency trip to Africa. He asks for $1,300 – one month’s rent, plus a $500 deposit, to be sent through Western Union. He promises to Fed-Ex the keys after receiving the money. I wonder why he picked the name Pastor HELLer?

You know that most of the ads on Craigslist are valid, but if you see one where the ad states that you are to send money by wire or mail, beware, it might be Past HELLer.

Where to Get Honest Foreclosure Help


George Adamson the man Who Lived With the Lions  See link at bottom of page to go Adamson's home page
George Adamson the man Who Lived With the Lions See link at bottom of page to go Adamson's home page
 Here are places to get help if you or a friend are facing foreclosure.  There are so many scams out there now that it can be difficult to find legitimate help. Be careful of paying money up front in order to get help and some of the Internet advertising that says they guarantee that they can stop your foreclosure.

Here’s a list of programs that are either operated by the U.S. government or have its seal of approval:

  • Call (888) 995-HOPE, the Homeowner’s HOPE Hotline to reach a nonprofit, HUD-approved counselor through HOPE NOW, a cooperative effort of mortgage counselors and lenders to assist homeowners.
  • The Controller of the Currency’s consumer information site for banking-related questions is

Source: Controller of the Currency (04/21/2009)

By the way, check out this site of George Adamson, The man who lived with the lions:

“Queen of Mean” Manor’s List Price Drops $50 Million


Courtesy of Historical Society of Greenwich. Helmsley Estate
Courtesy of Historical Society of Greenwich. Helmsley Estate

Talk about a price reduction!  That’s exactly what the heirs of the late Leona Helmsley did; reduce the price of her Greenwich, Conn. Home by 40% to $75 million from an original list price of $125 million. Last July, a Russian billionaire paid Donald Trump $95 million for a Palm Beach, Fla., mansion originally listed at $125 million, a $30 million price reduction.

If you have a cool $75 million you can buy the manor house, 20,000 square feet, Jacobean- mansion complete with two pools, more than 13 bedrooms (six for servants) and a walk-in silver closet. In addition, the home’s baronial features include ornate lamp posts along the driveway, travertine marble floors, 15th-century fireplaces, extensive wood paneling, patterned plaster ceilings, two dining rooms, a wine cellar and a 52-by-26-foot indoor pool, according to the listing posted online with Greenwich realtor David Ogilvy & Associates.

In the 1980’s Helmsley and her late husband, Harry, paid $11 million for the property. Deciding to remodel the house, she billed her company for millions of dollars, which led her to be convicted of tax evasion. She served time in a federal prison. She got the nickname “Queen of Mean” from the way she treated her employees..

The estate for Helmsley – who died in 2007 at age 87 – divided $1 million equally to 10 animal and dog charities, including the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and several groups that train guide dogs for the blind. However, a judge ruled the trustees could donate to other cause

Related Articles

Helmsley estate: $136M to charity, $1M to dogs 
‘Queen of Mean’ Lair to List for $125 Million

Shall I Walk Away From My Home? Part 2


The post I wrote entitled “Shall I Walk Away from my House” drew some real good comments both pro and con.

Shall I walk away from my home? If you are backed against a wall and have no choice, then of course the answer is yes, if you have no other choice. But If you like your house, you can make the payments, then the answer is no. You should have bought your home because you liked it, it appealed to you; it made you happy to have it as your house. The consequences of walking away are that you are going to have to rent because your credit score is down the tubes. Because of your low credit rating you are going to have to rent from three to five years or more because lenders won’t lend money for you to buy a home.

Owning a home is forced savings. You have to make the payments, your principal is going down, and money is depreciating, making your payments lower in relation to your earnings over a period of time.

The primary purpose of owning a home, unless you are an investor, is to live in the house, not to make a profit off of it. I believe that some people got carried away during the housing boom times and bought a home just to make money, not live in it. So if you have a steady job, and feel secure in it, this is just as good a time to stay in your home as any other. The question that goes along with this is: should you buy a home now, if you don’t have one.

The philosophy that I’ve had all my life in regards to a home has been to buy not to rent. I remember when I worked as an engineering aide and making barely enough money to do anything, I bought my first house through a private party with a small down payment. The seller carried the paper.  From that first purchase, a few years later, I was able to trade the home in Diamond Springs for a lot in Nevada City. Since I had the lot free and clear, I was then able to get a loan to have a contractor build a new home for me. My mortgage payment was $175 a month. I was in charge of the Nevada County Engineering Department at that time, and believe me, that mortgage payment was all I could afford. Do you think money has depreciated?

Is this a good time to buy? Is this a good time to hold on to your house if you can? The answer to both of these questions is yes. It’s always a good time as far as I’m concerned. I would rather buy a home than rent. I don’t like to be under a landlord.  Besides, it always seemed a waste of money to pay off someone else’s property when you could be paying off your own.  Time has shown that money depreciates and real estate increases in value.  My first mortgage on the house I had built was $175 a month. I could barely afford it. What can you buy today for $175 a month? Not much, certainly not a home.

Some people have forgotten the value of home ownership during this downturn. All you hear about are the people who are losing their homes. We forget that most of us bought a home to live in, not to make a living buying and selling, or getting into a “get rich” scheme.

So should you stay in your home?  My answer is stay there if you can, or buy one if you can.  History, no matter what people say, shows that real estate goes up and the value of your money goes down. I wish I had that $175 a month mortgage on my present home.  Let me know what you think.

Thinking About Buying a Home? How’s Your Credit Rating Affecting Your Chances?


The lender wants to make sure that when they loan money to a you, that they are lending the money to someone who will pay them back. So when you apply for a loan, the number one thing they look at is your credit score. I know, that’s a twist from the roaring 2005-2007 years. I remember selling real estate in Grass Valley, Nevada City where the main criteria of the banks to loan money was that the buyer was breathing. 

Anyhow, a lender considers several factors about a buyer’s credit-usage behaviors. The system they use is a called “Tri-Merged Residential Credit Report” and is quantified as a scoring system called F.I.C.O. (Fair Issac Company). There are three companies who prepare credit reports and each one seems to come up with their own F.I.C.O. score. Different lenders use different methods, but most wind up using the middle score of the three credit reports. Others merge the reports as mentioned above.

Listed below is how the F.I.C.O. scores are generally interpreted:

• Scores range from 300 to 850.

• Score under 600 – will most likely need to use loan programs that are not F.I.C.O. driven. Represents extreme concern for underwriting and may result in additional fees, higher rates and/or points, additional down payment required, or even non-approval.

• Score 600 – 620: The underwriter will need to carefully review the application and may result in more fees, points and/or lower loan-to-value ratio.

• Score 620 – 660: This is considered a cautious risk although the buyer does stand a good chance of getting the loan provided he/she can explain any derogatory notations (i.e. late payments) in a plausible manner.

• Score 660 – 680: This is a standard automated approval score.

• Score 680 – 699: This is considered a very good risk by the lender.

• Score 700 – 719: This is considered an excellent risk by a lender and is pretty much a “slam dunk” for approval.

• Score 720 & above: This is considered “Accept Plus” for automated underwriting.

To determine the borrower’s credit score, most lenders apportion weights as indicated to the following factors:

• Timely payments – 35%
• Total debt – 30%
• Length of credit history – 15%
• New credit inquiries – 10%
• Amount/type of credit – 10%

A buyer/borrower can get a free copy of their credit report from each repository by mail or online at various websites offering “free credit reports” . I do not endorse any of them.  You should review your credit report once a year, as they often have inaccuracies and old derogatory notations that should be removed from the report.

However, you will find that most sites offering “free credit reports” do not give you your F.I.C.O. score and try to trap you into paying for an ongoing credit monitoring program or you have to pay to get your score, the report is free, the score is not.

According to CNN:

“Thanks to the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, or FACT Act, enacted by Congress in 2003, consumers can get one free credit report a year from the three major agencies – Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. But that doesn’t include scores, which come at an added cost of around $6 to $16. That’s the “fair and reasonable” fee credit rating agencies can charge consumers under the legislation.”

Here are some methods that you may use to improve your credit score:

• Dispute incorrect information by directly contacting the credit reporting agency.

• If you have any past-due debt, you can contact the creditor directly and settle the debt. Creditors are often willing to settle past-due debt for less than what is owed and sometimes are even willing to remove the derogatory notation about the debt. If the debt has been sold to a collection agency, the borrower would have to contact the agency.

• Pay down credit card balances, if possible, to less than 1/3 of the available limit.

• Work to show that you have maintained 12 consecutive months of timely payments on ALL of your financial obligations. If you have gone into foreclosure and/or bankruptcy, this will take longer; perhaps three to five years.

Have We Hit the Bottom of the Housing Market?


Another indicator that we may be nearing the bottom of the housing market is builder confidence in April made its most dramatic increase in nearly seven years, according to an industry report.

According to  CNN Money

“The Housing Market Index, a survey-based measurement of sales, as well as sales expectations, rose by more than 50% in April, according to the National Association of Home Builders, which compiles the index with Wells Fargo.

The index rose to 14 from its prior level of 9, which was the biggest increase since May 2003

“After a very long period of extreme distress, it’s given the builders some sense of reaching a bottom,” said David Crowe, chief economist for the association”

This is just one of several indicators that we may be bottoming out. Sales in Nevada County have been increasing in April to a point where we have 199 pending sales on the Nevada County Multiple Listing Service (MLS) as of yesterday.

There are large home price changes occurring, some as much as minus $600,000 or more. These large price reductions are in all probability, based on sellers setting their own price based either because of emotional reasons or basing their price on what houses sold for a few years ago. In a declining market, it is very important to list your home a little below the market.

You should have a good market analysis of your home made by your real estate agent and base your listing price based on facts, not emotional reasons, how much money you need to get out of your home, or what you think your house is worth. (I know, sometimes that is hard to do) It’s an un-fortunate fact of life that the market sets what a house sells for and not what we want to sell our house for, No?

Oh, to answer if we have hit the bottom of the housing market, I don’t know and I doubt if anyone else does either. But it sure looks close to the bottom.

Vandals Strip Vacant Homes in California

This foreclose home has  been stripped of the oven, microwave and range vent, together with 29 missing door knobs, 28 light fixtures, 10 floor registers, eight faucets or shower heads and one air conditioner
This foreclose home has been stripped of the oven, microwave and range vent, together with 29 missing door knobs, 28 light fixtures, 10 floor registers, eight faucets or shower heads and one air conditioner

In real estate It wasn’t too long ago that the biggest game in town for vandals was to strip vacant homes of copper wire and copper plumbing. With copper prices down and so many vacant homes being sold by banks in expensive neighborhoods, the newest game is to strip a house of anything of value as shown in the above picture.

A home in Encinitas – costing $13 million to build and furnish was foreclosed by the bank. It failed to sell at a bank foreclosure auction with a starting bid of $2.3 million. The home left unguarded by the bank, is missing an estimated $1 million worth of fixtures, from antique doors to top of the line toilets.

The 16,000 square foot Spanish hacienda style house is on 1.24 acres in rural east Encinitas. Suzy Brown, an electrical engineer who built the house, surrendered title after not making payments for more than a year and moved out March 22.

“It’s like a car up on blocks,” sheriff’s Detective Steven Ashkar said. “It’s been stripped.”

There are a string of burglaries targeting unoccupied homes in the East Bay Area according to police reports. The thieves are going after “staged” homes, full of expensive furniture, bedding and decorations. .They could be possibly driving, looking for homes for sale, looking for for-sale signs in the yard. Another ploy is to go to an open house that is unoccupied, unlock one window or door for easy access so they can come back to clean out the house.

They could also be going online and looking at homes for sale in particular areas, and doing the virtual tours with the Internet,” explained Orinda Police Sergeant Andre Charles. They could also be going online and looking at homes for sale in particular areas, and doing the virtual tours with the Internet,” explained Orinda Police Sergeant Andre Charles.

Continuing on:

Police in Indio, in Southern California, arrested three people accused of breaking into a dozen houses for sale in nearby communities. They recovered more than $250,000 worth of stolen goods, including artwork.

A home stager in Emeryville, Calif., says thieves took about $11,000 worth of furniture and accessories she had brought to spruce up the homes, “Its devastating,” she says.

So if you are going to sell a home that you don’t live in, be sure and have an alarm system and set it. Tell your real estate agent to inform everyone that nothing is to be removed from your home. Depending on the value of your home, you might want to contract with a security company to guard your home. That’s what the bank did in Encinitas, after they lost a million dollars worth of property.

Derivative Markets….an explanation


 Warren Buffet in his letter to the shareholders in 2003 described derivatives as “financial weapons of mass destruction, carrying dangers that, while now latent, are potentially lethal.” His vision of derivatives being destructive is so true, as we live in 2009, in the ruins of financial institutions. 

I received this e-mail from a friend of mine and thought it was a great explanation of what derivative markets are and decided to put this on the website. Enjoy.

Heidi is the proprietor of a bar in Detroit.

In order to increase sales, she decides to allow her loyal custormers-most of whom are unemployed alcoholics-to drink now but pay later.  She keeps track of the drinks cosumed on a ledger, thereby granting the customers loans.

 Word gets around about Heidi’s drink now pay later marketing strategy and as a result, increasing numbers of customers flood into Heidi’s bar and soon she has the largest sale volume for any bar in Detroit. By providing her customers’ freedom from immediate payment demands, Heidi gets no resistance when she substantially increases her prices for wine and beer, the most consumed beverages. Her sales volume increases massively.

A young and dynamic vice-president at the local bank recognizes these customer debts as valuable future assets and increases Heidi’s borrowing limit. 

He sees no reason for undue concern since he has the debts of the alcoholics as collateral. At the bank’s corporate headquarters, expert traders transform these customer loans into DRINKBONDS, ALKIBONDS and PUKEBONDS. These securities are then traded on security markets worldwide. Naive investors don’t really understand the securities being sold to them as AAA secured bonds are really the debts of unemployed alcoholics. 

Nevertheless, their prices continuously climb, and the securities become the top-selling items for some of the nation’s leading brokerage houses who collect enormous fees on their sales, pay extravagant bonuses to their sales force, and who in turn purchase exotic sports cars and multimillion dollar condominiums.

One day, although the bond prices are still climbing, a risk manager at the bank (subsequently fired due to his negativity), decides that the time has come to demand payment on the debts incurred by the drinkers at Heidi’s bar. Heidi demands payment from her alcoholic patrons, but being unemployed they cannot pay back their drinking debts.

Therefore, Heidi cannot fulfill her loan obligations and claims bankruptcy. DRINKBOND and ALKIBOND drop in price by 90%. PUKEBOND performs better, stabilizing in price after dropping by 80%. The decreased bond asset value destroys the banks liquidity and prevents it from issuing new loans.

The suppliers of Heidi’s bar, having granted her generous payment extensions and having invested in the securities are faced with writing off her debt and losing over 80% on her bonds. Her wine supplier claims bankruptcy, her beer supplier is taken over by a competitor, who immediately closes the local plant and lays off 50 workers. The bank and brokerage houses are saved by the Government following dramatic round-the-clock negotiations by leaders from both political parties. The funds required for this bailout are obtained by a tax levied on employed middle-class non-drinkers.

Finally an explanation I understand……