July 27, 2015

Contact: Rea Callender, CEO, Nevada County Fairgrounds
(530) 273-6217; Rea@NevadaCountyFair.com
Due to the Lowell Fire, currently burning in Nevada and Placer counties, Cal Fire and assisting agencies have set up a command post and fire camp at the Nevada County Fairgrounds. Additionally, the Nevada County Veterinary Disaster Response Team has set up an evacuation center at the Fairgrounds for large and small animals.
Due to the large number of resources utilizing the fire camp, the Fairgrounds will be closed to walkers and bicyclists until further notice.
During the duration that the camp is set up, Gate 1 will be open to Fair employees and Fair business (those visiting the Fairgrounds’ administration office) only, Gate 4 will be open to campers, Gate 8 will be open for animal evacuation, and all other gates will be closed to the public and restricted to authorized fire personnel only.
These closures and restrictions do not affect the Main Office, which is open during its normal business hours of Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Additionally, limited RV camping will be available by contacting the Main Office.
During this time, the Nevada County Fairgrounds is also being used as an evacuation center for small and large animals. The Fairgrounds are open and equipped to handle large and small animals brought to the Fairgrounds. Several animals are already on the grounds, and the Fairgrounds will continue to receive and house animals as needed. Those with animals impacted by the fire, or those who need to remove animals to a safer location, are encouraged to use the Fairgrounds. If you need information or have questions regarding animal evacuations, contact Pat, Nevada County Veterinary Disaster Response Team (Animal Evac), at (530) 913-6506.
According to Mike Mohler, Public Information Officer with Cal Fire Incident Management Team 1, the fire camp, which was established on July 25, currently houses more than 700 individuals, as well as large equipment required to fight the fires.
For updated fire information and evacuation updates, contact the Cal Fire information line at (530) 823-4083 or visit Cal Fire’s website at www.fire.ca.gov.
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O’Dell Realty
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