Nevada County Fairgrounds Country Christmas Faire Results

Last weekend’s 34th Annual Country Christmas Faire at the Nevada County Fairgroundswelcomed more than 8,000 visitors and 115 vendors, featured 45 gingerbread houses and 75 coloring entries, and hosted a canned food drive.

The 16 th Annual Gingerbread House Competition featured 45 entries. Of those entries, Best of Show ribbons and gift baskets donated by Tess’ Kitchen Store were awarded to Leeam Eaton, Owen Strolle, Johanna Pease, and Avery Lawson/Joanne Perilman. The People’s Choice/Best of Show Winner was Kathy Kinney, who received a gift basket from Tess’ and a cash prize.

First place winners in the Gingerbread House Competition include Charlie McCollum, Breck Lumbard, Emelina Lumbard, Christian Augustine, Lilah Black, Evie Black, Hazel Duran, Annabelle Husak, and Deacon McCollum (age 5 & under); Leeam Eaton (age 6-8); Finn Beckin (age 9 – 12); Jessa Jaskier (Kits); Owen Strolle (age 13-17); Kathy Kinney (age 18 -64);

Johanna Pease (Special Needs); S.S.J. Stalcup and Ramey Cousins (group – children); Avery Lawson/Joanne Perilman, and Margo Murphy (family); and Christie Harris (group – adult). At Sunday’s canned food drive, Interfaith Food Ministry collected more than 578 pounds of food for families in need.

In addition, the Clear Creek School Errand Elves raised funds for science camp; and Big Horse Works, who provided carriage rides at the Faire, donated more than $300 to those impacted by the Camp Fire.

The names of all the Gingerbread House Competition winners can be found on the Fairgrounds’ website at

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