Enter Your Exhibits in the Nevada County Fair

Want to enter something in the Nevada County Fair? There’s still time! To enter on-line using the Fair’s on-line entry system, the deadline is Friday, July 17 at 5 pm. It’s easy, it’s fun, and it’s free. Just log-on to the Fair’s website at Enter Online and follow the step-by-step process.

Join the thousands of Nevada County residents who enter exhibits each year in the more than 300 available categories. It’s always fun to show-off a special creation, baked good, home-grown item, a collection, an antique, or a photograph. Don’t delay – enter now!

Complete descriptions of all categories are available online in the Fair’s Competition Handbook. The handbook is also available at the Fair office, area libraries, chamber of commerce offices, and various sponsoring merchants.

For more information, visit Nevada County Fair or call (530) 273-6217.

Michael Jackson’s Neverland Home has a Buyer

Michael Jackson's Neverland
Michael Jackson's Neverland

LONDON – French fashion tycoon Christian Audigier is set to buy Michael Jackson’s Neverland home.

“I have decided to buy that house,” the Mirror quoted him as telling French TV.

The designer is also planning to build a theme complex dedicated to the icon similar to Elvis Presley’s Graceland.

He may also offer online tours for fans to the ranch that Jackson turned into a personal theme park.

Colony Capital who had purchased the California ranch in 2008 for 20million-pound is keen to sell it after the legend’s demise.

Neverland is now worth an estimated $97,150,000.

California’s Governing Body Postures While California Collapses

Rome Burning
Rome Burning

Anyone watching our legislature and Governor try to come up with a budget solution knows if they were running a private company, they either would have been fired by now or standing in a soup line because the company would have gone bankrupt. Incredible, watching them posture while those of us in the private sector have seen companies go bankrupt, business decrease and our income and assets go down downhill in a bread basket.

Yet those clowns governing our state posture while trying to figure out how to raise more taxes, or not raise taxes, afraid of cutting any fat because they are afraid of offending the powerful state employees unions which taints their decision making in balancing the budget. But of course, why should they worry, they are receiving full pay, a generous car allowance, per diem and of course free lunches from the special interest lobbyists.

In the mean time, State employees, many with salaries under $30,000 get a hit of a 14 percent pay cut. School teachers are being laid off instead of school superintendents and their staff. Proposition’s 98 monies purpose was to fund K-14. K-14 has seen an enrollment drop of 70,000 students since Prop. 98’s passage. Yet the various school districts use of Prop. 98’s monies have increased the overhead costs of running their school districts to a record 76 percent! Do you think they might cut overhead instead of laying off teachers? (See my blog, California Board of Education Cooks Their Books)

So while one side of the political aisle is blaming the other side of the political aisle for the budget crisis, California still holds the title that no other state in the nation has: “The Lowest Bond Rating.” On July 6, 2009, Fitch Ratings slashed the Golden State’s long-term bond rating from A- to BBB. The BBB rating is just two clicks above a rating for junk bonds. Junk bonds are not sold in a junkyard; instead, junk bonds are low-grade bonds issued by companies without long track records or with questionable ability to meet their debt obligations. They are referred to as junk bonds because most investors do not invest in the low-grade bonds. The bolder investors purchase the risky securities because of their very high interest rates.

Fitch cited the reason for its actions was the state’s inability to close the Budget gap and using IOUs to pay its obligations. Despite Fitch’s decision, Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s did not lower the state’s rating quite as low. Maybe they see something we don’t?

The BBB rating will result in the state incurring higher issuance costs for its general obligation bonds. State Treasurer Bill Lockyer said such a rating cut could cost the state $7.5 million in interest over a 30-year period. The State Treasurer’s projected issuance costs are significant when they are put into the context of the ongoing battle to close the State’s Budget deficit.

This seems like something from Roman times, the governing body of California, like Caesar Augustus, playing a fiddle while California burns. By the way, it wasn’t too much later that the Roman Empire started its collapse wasn’t it? Anyhow, what do you think?

California Real Estate Sales Up



  A survey by the California Association of Realtors found that sales of California real estate have actually increased from the end of 2008 to the beginning of 2009. Survey respondents indicated that attractive prices and low mortgage rates were the leading factors motivating them to buy. For more see the following article from HousingWire 

After a two-year downturn, California home sales have increased 27% through the end of 2008 and beginning of 2009, spurred by low home prices, mortgage rates and a belief that rates will increase in the near future, according to a survey by the California Association of Realtors (CAR).
Lower home prices encouraged 68% of the survey’s respondents, while 39% said low interest rates put them in the market for a new home. An additional 23% named the belief that mortgage rates will increase in the near future as a motivating factor in their decision to buy a home.
Distressed sales made up more than half of California’s home sales. The 38% percent of homebuyers that purchased real-estate-owned (REO) properties reported they had the most difficulty securing financing, on averaging rating their experience an 8.9 on a scale of 10. While short-sale properties only accounted for 13% of California sales, buyers rated their financing experience the easiest, a 7.6 on average. The 49% of home buyers involved in a traditional transaction rated their financing experience a 7.7 on average.
The glut of bank-owned properties on the market has kept California’s housing inventory stocked, giving buyers many options.

“In contrast to peak years when inventory levels were at record lows, inventory levels over the past several months have been in the range of the long-run average,” CAR chief economist Leslie Appleton-Young said in a release. “With many homes available on the market at more affordable prices in the past year, home buyers have been devoting more time to considering and carefully selecting their home during the researching and buying process.”

The average home buyer spent 8.4 weeks considering their purchase in 2009, up from 7.2 weeks in 2008. Buyers spent 10.3 weeks searching for a home with their real estate agent, compared to 8.7 weeks in 2008.

Nearly one-third of respondents who purchased in a traditional market sale said they either did not know or were not sure they knew the terms of their loan. A smaller percentage, 12%, of REO buyers and 7% of short-sale buyers indicated the same response.

This article has been republished from HousingWire. You can also view this article at
HousingWire a mortgage finance news website







Mother Lode Horse Show Results Available


The Nevada County Fairgrounds was filled with horse enthusiasts during the last weekend in June as exhibitors competed in the 2009 Mother Lode Horse Show. This annual three-day event gives spectators an opportunity to observe participants work with their horses as they compete in Driving, English, Halter and Western Shows. At the conclusion of each class, competitors are awarded their placing, which is a demonstration of achievement in horsemanship. The results of the Mother Lode Horse Show are available at Nevada County Horse Show Results.

You will need Adobe Reader to view the results. If you do have Adobe Reader you may download it here   Adobe Reader

The Mother Lode Horse Show is the official horse show of the Nevada County Fair. This year’s Nevada County Fair starts Wednesday, August 12 and runs through Sunday, August 16. For more information about the Fair, call the Fairgrounds office at (530) 273-6217 or visit their web site at Nevada County Fair

Press release by Wendy Oaks
Publicist, Nevada County Fairgrounds

Fannie Mae New Loan-to-Value Ceiling for Home Affordable Refinance Program

Fannie Mae (FNM/NYSE) announced today that the company is providing information to servicers regarding changes to the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) that permits refinancing of existing Fannie Mae loans with loan-to-value (LTV) ratios up to 125 percent. The loans will be eligible for delivery on or after September 1, 2009.

“This step aims to reach even more borrowers who would benefit from a lower payment,” said Michael J. Williams, President and Chief Executive Officer. “Many borrowers in good standing have been shut out from the benefits of refinancing due to significant declines in property values across the country. By broadening the scope of the initiative, more borrowers will experience savings on their monthly mortgage payments and have a better chance of sustaining homeownership over the long term.”

Previously, HARP allowed for refinancing of Fannie Mae loans with LTVs up to 105 percent. With the expansion, loans with LTVs above 105 percent and up to 125 percent will be eligible for refinancing through the company’s Refi Plus™ manual underwriting option. For loans with LTVs above 105 percent, borrowers must refinance through their existing servicer and the new loans must be fully amortizing fixed-rate mortgages with terms greater than 15 years up to 30 years.

In conjunction with the LTV eligibility expansion, Fannie Mae will offer a special .50 percent reduction in the loan-level price adjustment charged for loans with LTVs above 105 percent and loan terms of 20 and 25 years. The reduction is intended to incent borrowers to select shorter terms and build positive equity in their homes sooner than with a typical 30-year mortgage.

HARP is part of the Administration’s Making Home Affordable plan aimed at stabilizing the housing market, helping Americans reduce their mortgage payments to more affordable levels, and preventing avoidable foreclosures. For more information, visit Making Home Affordable.gov

Value of Home Goes Down, Home Owners Walk Away


A study of the Massachusetts housing market by researchers from Northwestern University and the University of Chicago concludes that a home owner’s propensity to default increases the further their loan goes under water.

The study found that home owners begin to walk away after declines of 15 percent or more. More than 17 percent of households would default, even if they can afford to pay their mortgage, when the equity shortfall reaches 50 percent of the value of the house.

The researchers found:
• People under the age of 35 and over the age of 65 are less likely to say it is morally wrong to default compared to middle-aged respondents.

• People with a higher education (8 percentage points) and African-Americans (14 percentage points) are less likely to think it is morally wrong to default, whereas respondents with a higher income are more likely to think it is morally wrong.

• Default is considered less morally wrong in the Northeast (6 percentage points) and West (8 1/2 percentage points).

• There was little difference in the moral view of strategic default among Republicans and Democrats, but independents are less likely to say defaulting is immoral.

• Respondents who supported government intervention to help homeowners were 12 percentage points less likely to say strategic default is immoral.

So what do you think, is it OK to walk away if you are still able to make your monthly payments on your mortgage?

FTC Cracks Down on Real Estate Con-Artists


I was wondering when the Fed’s were going to crack down on con artists which advertise get rich quick schemes in real estate. The con artists offer to make you rich by using their “proven techniques in real estate”

These con artists also offer help on repairing their credit, landing new jobs, starting lucrative work-at-home businesses and obtaining government money to pay off bills. Surging like the unemployment rate, scams, touted on Web sites and infomercials, have bilked consumers out of hundreds of millions of dollars, according to the Federal Trade Commission.

Last Wednesday the FTC, working with local authorities across the country struck back and filed criminal charges against many of the scammers.

According to the Chicago Tribune

“The (FTC) announced a series of civil and criminal charges against alleged con artists who have preyed on economic anxiety to lure consumers into making upfront payments for services that either fall far short of the promises or never materialize.

“To con artists, today’s challenging economy presents an opportunity to exploit consumers’ fears and bilk them out of money,” said David Vladeck, director of the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.

Vladeck said that more than 100 cases have been filed nationwide this year as part of Operation Short Change, a task force consisting of the FTC, the Justice Department and officials in 13 states and the District of Columbia. The cases included eight filed Wednesday by the FTC.

One of the new cases alleged that five California companies bilked hundreds of thousands of consumers nationally out of about $300 million by offering fraudulent programs related to real estate or online businesses.

The companies — John Beck’s Amazing Profits, John Alexander LLC, Jeff Paul LLC, Mentoring of America and Family Products — and five people who founded or run them were accused of violating federal laws related to telemarketing and consumer fraud.

The FTC accuses the companies of making “false and unsubstantiated claims about potential earnings” customers could make by following their advice in books, DVDs and CDs titled “John Beck’s Free & Clear Real Estate System,” “John Alexander’s Real Estate Riches in 14 Days” and “Jeff Paul’s Shortcuts to Internet Millions,” which sold for $39.95 each.

People who purchased the programs unknowingly were signed up for additional monthly charges of $39.95. Messages left with the companies were not returned Wednesday.”

I did a Google search and John Beck’s site is still up and running, ready to take your money and help him get rich.

Victoria Gotti Home in Foreclosure


The bank has started foreclosure proceedings on Victoria Gotti, daughter of the infamous John Gottie, palatial estate on Long Island — the same used in the TV reality show “Growing Up Gotti” — saying she owes a whopping $650,000 in mortgage payments, according to court papers filed recently.

Gotti’s lender, JP Morgan Chase, claims the daughter of the late Gambino crime family boss John “Dapper Don” Gotti — owes them that staggering amount after she failed to make payments starting in September 2006, court records reveal.

The bank said in court records that the mafia princess owed them $25,000 a month in mortgage payments.

The home, which Gotti once tried to sell at $4.8 million but lowered once she put it on the market this past January for $3.2 million, became known to TV viewers across the country after A&E filmed the reality show, “Growing Up Gotti” there in 2004 and 2005.

From August 2004 until December 2005, she was the star of Growing Up Gotti, an American reality television on the A&E Network. The show, which was short lived, also featured her three sons. The Smoking Gun launched a parody of sorts entitled Blowing Up Gotti, which consisted of family visits to John Gotti while he was in prison that prison officials routinely taped.

A&E faced exceptional criticism for the show. Some viewers complained that A&E was showcasing a family living in luxury that was purchased by blood money made by her father, John Gotti. They felt the network was glorifying organized crime. Many have also complained about the foul language used on the show, as well as the dysfunctional relationship between Victoria Gotti and her sons. Film.com said about the show: “Victoria Gotti has the warmth of an ice pick and her sons the charm of, well, thugs.”

Home Buyer Tax Credit Expained


Robert Dietz, tax economist, of the National Association of Home Builders gives detailed answers to questions home buyers might have about the Federal tax credit. (The $10,000 California tax credit for home buyers has been used up)
Some of the questions answered are:

• Who’s eligible to claim the credit?
• How does it help you?
• What kind of homes qualify?
• How is the amount of credit determined?
• What is a partial credit?
• When can you claim the refund?
• How is the 2009 credit different from the 2008 tax credit?

Additional information about the tax credit can be found on the Federal Housing Tax Credit website.