Save Precious – American Staffordshire Terrier

Precious Needs a Good Home

“Source: Lori Perry

Precious is an American Staffordshire Terrier that was rescued from a high-kill shelter. Before that she was severely mistreated by her owner. She has suffered much, most recently bloat, diabetes and a thyroid condition.  She was literally starving to death. Thanks to a quick pull by one of our rescuers, the wonderful staff at Johnson Ranch Vet Clinic and Patty, her amazing foster Mom, Precious is on her way back to the healthy life that she deserves.

Precious has special needs. She needs someone who is willing to feed and medicate her properly on a regular basis. She gets along great with other dogs and likes people. She needs space to run and play because she was in a cage for far too long.

Her most important need is to find than one special home that is out there waiting for her. She needs love, affection and understanding. She needs a guiding hand to show her good manners and that there are kind hearted people in the world willing to share their life with her. Call Patty at 916-204-3407 or email”

Angel, my Assistant

This is very uncanny, Precious looks almost identical to my dog Angel. Please see if you can help Precious, after all she’s been through, she really needs a good home.

Click here to see more dogs ready for adoption Scooters Pals

John O’Dell
Real Estate Broker
General Contractor
Civil Engineer

One thought on “Save Precious – American Staffordshire Terrier”

  1. Precious and Angel are both wonderful dogs.
    Precious needs to find a good home like Angel
    found with John. She takes her insulin like
    a champ and not arguments…she knows she’s being
    loved and is very compliant. Food and love
    and a little insulin and she’s “ready to go”.
    For anyone who may have diabetes and also love
    dogs please consider Precious as a member of your family? She needs desperately a home of her own.
    Susan Wallace

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