I just recently bought a Canon Hf200 camcorder. The last video camera I had must have weighed 30 pounds (just kidding). The Canon HF200 weighs less than one pound and is small enough to carry in my jacket pocket.
The Canon HF200 has 15X optical zoom, optical image stabilization and can record in full HD and outputs at 1920×1080. This is my first fully edited video and I am still learning the software that I just bought. If you are interested in the full specs for the Canon HF200 Click Here
This video was shot during several periods this winter. Looking out from my deck, the lake is constantly changing appearance, even in the summer when the wind plays on the water and sail boats float like toys in a bathtub.
You can download a lot of video editing software for a free thirty day trial. I read all the reviews and tried about 4 different software packages and finally settled with Corel VideoStudio Pro X3. If you read the reviews online it will drive you nuts. All of the reviews seem to have horrible stories about their computers crashing and the programs freezing.
I had none of the problems with any of the software packages that I tried. Corel’s program can read my memory card from the camcorder which the other programs could not. It’s a fairly easy program to learn if you play around with it for a while. There are also a lot of tutorial videos on YouTube which really helped. After editing the video, I was able to download it to YouTube, which is part of the software. If you are interested in the specs for Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 Click Here

Anyhow, this is my first try and it is not as seamless as I wanted, but it’s a start. I hope you enjoy it and any comments you might have on how to improve the beginning of my movie career would be appreciated.
John J. O’Dell
Real Estate Broker
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wonderful photography, really enjoyed it!
I have one question for you: anywhere to rent a sailboat in Nevada County???