My name is Milo and I am a Chihuahua and Beagle mix. My brother is Charlie and he is a Chihuahua. I am 2 years old and Charlie is 1.
We are brothers by spirit as we don’t share the same Mom or Dad just the same owner!
I was born in a home. My owner came and saw me and took me right away. I was the runt of the litter and my owner swears that runts are the best!! My owner took me to visit my new grandparents and guess what, they fell in love with me too! So much so, I now spend most of my time with my grandparents and my Mom takes me on weekends! She misses me alot but she see’s that it is really good that I stay with the grandparents because I make them really happy!
Charlie was brought home by my human sister. She got him and brought him home and it has been a really good thing for my mom. Charlie is really fun to be around, when we hang on the weekends he and I play fight all the time! Charlie thinks he is bigger than he really is and thinks he can take on anything! I have to give it to him though, he can run, really, really fast.

We know Angel by our Mom’s association with John. We were so excited when we heard that Angel was selling real estate. We have been contemplating selling our doghouse as we don’t use it like we used too. So, we called Angel and see came over, checked it out and we signed the paper and love having our house listed with her.
Our house has running water and separate bedrooms. We love it! There is food there all the time (not sure how that happens, but…). We have the biggest bathroom! Anywhere your heart desires, outside only!
Angel is a great agent, she shouts out a bark to us all the time. She is really on top of it! As everyone knows, it is a dog eat dog world out there and she is tough!!
Milo and Charlie…………
Angel (my dog) needs more doghouse listings. Send a picture of your dog, a doghouse (make one up if you don’t have one) and a story about your dog. Angel will post your dog on this website.