Tag Archives: General Contractor

When Buying a Home Factoring in the Cost of Commuting

A recent study by the Center for Housing Policy and the Center for Neighborhood Technology suggests that borrowers of moderate means would be smart to calculate the costs of commuting before buying.

  • The study, which looked at transportation and housing costs in the 25 largest metropolitan areas, found that transportation costs rose faster than incomes in every area over the last decade.
  • That has added to the financial burden shouldered by moderate-income homeowners, defined as households earning 50 to 100 percent of a metropolitan area’s median income.  Transportation consumes 30 percent of their income, on average.  Add housing costs to that and the combined cost burden rises to 72 percent.
  • The study also found that some metropolitan areas generally considered more affordable become less so after transportation is figured in.
  • Mortgage underwriters sometimes look at a home’s location relative to where the buyer works, but in most cases a long distance between the two is an issue only if it suggests that the buyer isn’t actually going to live in the house.

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For all your real estate needs
Email or call today:

John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
Email jodell@nevadacounty.com

DRE# 00669941

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Rat Steals Milk From Cat


The persistent pest pilfers the dairy dish from its surprising docile feline friend, who eventually licks its whiskers and wanders away, defeated. Cat defenders on YouTube are sufficiently outraged (“That rat is pushing his f***ing luck”), while rodent apologists show equally vocal support: “Domestic rats like this one are not disgusting, they’re very clean animals, highly intelligent and make great pets.” Surprisingly, we found ourselves cheering for the rat’s victory in this viral tug of war — a more fortuitous fate than that of unlucky relatives who end up as snake food.g



For all your real estate needs:
Call or email today
John J. O’Dell Realtor® GRI
Real Estate Broker
Civil Engineer
General Contractor
(530) 263-1091
Email jodell@nevadacounty.com

DRE #00669941


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