Tag Archives: Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Isn’t Happy With Home, Sues Former Owners

Picture courtesy of BBC
Picture courtesy of BBC


Former heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali isn’t happy with his retirement home in Louisville, Ky., and he’s blaming the former owners.

Ali and his wife, Lonnie Ali, have filed a lawsuit against the former owners of the property, claiming the owners failed to disclose severe problems with the property when they had purchased it. The Alis say the home has had a range of problems since they moved in, everything from roof and chimney leaks to water intrusion and poor insulation, improper ventilation, and mold.

In the lawsuit, the Alis allege the former home owners committed fraud by signing disclosure statements that they knew were false. The former home owners said in a statement that the legal filing is a “complete surprise” and that “there are no serious defects or conditions in the home that cannot be resolved.”

The Alis purchased the home in 2006 for $1.9 million. Ken Jones, the real estate agent who represented the former home owners on the sale, told WHAS-11 News that the home was not listed for sale when the Alis inquired about buying it.

“We insisted on an inspector. They had an inspection done,” Jones said. “There were several items noted.” But Jones says all of the items on the list were corrected before the sale went through.

Source: “Realtor Is Shocked by Ali Lawsuit,” WHAS11.com (Oct. 13, 2011)
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