Tag Archives: Nevada County CA

Free Vision/Hearing Screening Services at Nevada County Fairgrounds

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Local Lions Club Will Provide Free Vision/Hearing  Screenings July 30, 2018

As part of Community Involvement Day, the Foothill Lions Club will provide free glaucoma and vision screening services as well as free hearing testing to adults and children at the Nevada County Fair’s Community Involvement Day on Monday, July 30, from 1 – 6 pm at Gate 1 at the Nevada County Fairgrounds.

For the vision screenings, the Lions will utilize the Northern California Lions Sight Associations Vision Screening Unit, a fully-equipped motorhome that is designed to offer no-cost glaucoma and visual screening services to those who otherwise might not be able to afford it. The services are available for adults and children. The Lions Club will be staffing the unit, and local optometrists –Dr. Jerry Chan, OD and Dr. Tiffany Chan, OD – will volunteer their services for the day.

New this year, Foothill Lions will also be offering free hearing tests for adults and children. The testing will be provided by Sol Barros, an audiologist specialist from Audiology Associates Hearing Center who will donate her time for this event. All screenings at this event are free, as the Foothill Lions Club covers all costs.

The free hearing and vision screening is provided as part of Community Involvement Day, a day to donate items to nonprofit organizations – the Food Bank of Nevada County, Foothill Lions, Nevada County 2-1-1, NEO Youth Center, Story Club, Community Beyond Violence, Cinderella Project, The Karing Closet, Gold Country YMCA, Nevada County Pets in Need, Nevada County Diaper Project, and The White Barn Project – in exchange for coupons for buy one, get one adult admission tickets to the Fair.  Or, donate blood through BloodSource on that day and receive a free admission ticket to the Fair.  The organizations will be at the Fairgrounds Gate 1 parking lot and Main Street Center on Monday, July 30, from 1 – 6 pm.

This year’s “Bushels of Fun!” Nevada Cunty Fair is August 8 – 12.  For information, visit NevadaCountyFair.com.


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