Smoking in the public area of the “Downtown Core of Grass Valley will be prohibited if an ordinance is passed by the City Council on September 25, 2012
The background information and reasoning behind the proposed ordinance is as follows:
“According to the 2010 U.S. Surgeon General’s Report, How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease, even occasional exposure to secondhand smoke is harmful and low levels of exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke lead to a rapid and sharp increase in dysfunction and inflammation of the lining of the blood vessels, which are implicated in heart attacks and stroke.
The Surgeon General’s report, and many others like it, constitute indisputable evidence that establishing 100% smoke free environments is the only effective way to fully protect the population from the harmful effects of exposure to secondhand smoke. Smoke is not easily contained in designated smoking areas, especially outdoors. The smoking of tobacco is a form of air pollution, a positive danger to health, and a material public nuisance. The need to breathe smoke-free air should take priority over the desire to smoke.
Chapter 8.20 (City Ordinance) currently regulates smoking in a variety of public places. This ordinance would add to the list of places where smoking is prohibited all City-owned property, municipal parking lots, and public streets and sidewalks within the Downtown Core. “Downtown Cores is shown on the attached pdf file. This proposed amendment would decrease the amount of second hand smoke that travels into public spaces from adjacent areas where smoking is currently allowed, and would further assist peace officers who enforce the smoking ordinance downtown by providing clear direction as to the places where smoking is not permitted.”
The above information was provided by John Foster, Chief of Police, City of Grass Valley.
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