My name is Zachery, I’m a Shetland Sheepdog and I’m also known as a Sheltie. I am small because I’m just the right size for my native country the Shetland Islands. I don’t like to brag, but I’m one of the smartest dogs on earth, well, not quite, but I’m sixth from the top of dog breeds when it comes to intelligence.
Some of my best friends, beside my owners Christie and Amanda, are the two cats in my house. My owners play silly games with me, taking a red laser light and shining it all over the place. I chase the laser light just to please them, and also because they don’t own any sheep for me to chase. You know, I just love to chase and herd things, so this is the closest I can come to doing that in the house I live in.
I’m getting up in age now, so I sleep a lot and go for short walks. However, in my retirement, I really would like to have for a ranch style dog house in the country. I also want some acreage with a flock of sheep so I can show my stuff and get some exercise. I’m sure Angel can find something for me.

This is just what I’m looking for!
Written by Christie O’Dell. Christie is my daughter and a school teacher. Amanda is my grand-daughter.
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For more information on this great dog read Wikipedia Shetland Sheepdog