Visit to New York Tenement Museum


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Entrance to Tenement Dwelling

New York again… this time February 7, 2013… COLD… We did come prepared, thermal underwear, hats, gloves, scarves, and  boots, but this is really cold, high of 30 degrees.

Last time we had tried to go on a tour of the Tenement Museum, but couldn’t due to the crowds, although we did see a nice 30 minute movie of the times. This is a 5 story tenement that 10,000 people from 25 countries called home between 1863 and 1935 in the Lower East side of NY at 97 Orchard Street. So this time we made reservations to the tour called “Hard Times”.

This was a tour of the three room apartments of two families of immigrants who survived the economic depressions at 97 Orchard Street between 1863 and 1935. We visited the restored apartment of the German-Jewish Gumpertz family, whose patriarch disappeared during the Panic of 1873  (they think he just ran away from his family) but the mother became a seamstress and move up in the world later in life.

And we also visited the Italian-Catholic Baldizzi family, who lived through the Great Depression and went on to move up to a better area of town. Fascinating stories complete with artifacts and pictures. In the tour, they say one in eight Americans can trace their lineage back to the immigrant tenements in New York.

After this we wandered through Chinatown and Little Italy (right next door to each other), the changes happen rapidly between one and the other within just one block!! It is amazing… like going to a different country by walking!!

We ate a wonderful Italian meal at El Piccolo Buffalo at 141 Mulberry Street – see picture! We recommend it!
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One thought on “Visit to New York Tenement Museum”

  1. , and she sure knows the woods. DeLuca, a very competent itinrenst, stays in rural Maine because of his own love of the wilderness.I explained to him that Nevada worked as a law enforcement ranger, but also had the benefit of a good liberal education and indeed has a way with the Queen’s English.So another fan is born, quite likely because of a yard sale.The upcoming Anna book set in Acadia National Park will make a nice gift for me to give him.

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